Steel Panther are kicking off a virtual show titled ‘Concert to Save the World’ in June amid the ongoing coronavirus restrictions.

While a virtual concert may lack the raw energy of attending a live show, the boys are going all out for the online performance, with the special event set to feature the band performing together (while adhering to social distancing rules), with a full stage production and multiple cameras to stream the event live from Steel Panther’s website on Monday, June 8th at 7AM AEST.

Announcing the news over Twitter, Steel Panther said that it was “time to bring spandex and hairspray back to the forefront & ripping guitar solos into your living rooms” through ‘The Concert to Save the World’, which is set to be sponsored by Monster Energy.

“Our first ever, completely live around the globe, socially distance abiding virtual concert!!” they wrote.

“This concert is guaranteed to, at the very least, have our microphones plugged in and facing the right direction,” Steel Panther explained.

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“We feel like heavy metal hasn’t been represented in any recent broadcasts. It is time to bring spandex and hairspray back to the forefront and ripping guitar solos into your living rooms. Additionally, Steel Panther would like to inform you that it is totally legal to attend this concert naked!”

The show will cost $15 to “get in” and proceeds from the ticket sales will benefit Heavenly Pets Animal Rescue and Live Nation’s Crew Nation Fund. For more info about the concert, head to the Steel Panther website or nab a ticket here.

Steel Panther have not only been busy gearing up for the online show – they’ve also been entertaining fans with regular video “Public Service Announcements”, which generally feature short skits and celebrity cameos – including Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor for an appearance in “What frickin’ day is it?”, where he helpfully reminded viewers that it was, in fact, Saturday at the time.

Check out ‘Let’s Get High Tonight’ by Steel Panther:

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