Hi everybody. It’s The Stiffys here. Jason plays the bass guitar and Adam plays the drums and we both sing and we like writing fun songs that people can dance to at our shows. We like it when everyone has a nice time together and has a couple of drinks. Sometimes we drink too much champagne hahaha. We are from Collingwood in Victoria and we first played at a warehouse party in Abbotsford and now everybody keeps asking us to play with them. We’ve just started an Australian tour with our best friends The Beards for their album launch. They are the best guys. Lucky we are writing this instead of our manager. He would have made it boring haha. Ok, good. Jokes everybody.
Who inspired you to start performing?
We were first inspired by our manager Benny. He was all like “Hi guys do you want to make some money?” and we were all like, “Okay,” and then he was all like, “You guys should become a famous rock and roll band because they make all of the money!” so we were all like, “Okay,” and then we wrote all this music and got all these hats and made an album. It goes for thirteen minutes. Now we’re mainly just focussing on moving some units. The thing about The Stiffys is that we’re only interested in making money that’s why we joined the music business.
You must answer this question honestly or we steal your rider. What and where was the first gig you went to?
If anyone steals our drinks we won’t be very happy. Stealing isn’t very nice especially when it’s stealing drinks. One time I saw someone steal a bike. He just walked straight up to it with a big pair of bolt cutters and rode away on it. I yelled at to him to put the bike back but he was too far away to hear me. I was like, come on how is that other guy supposed to get home without his bike?
‘Fess up. What records have you stolen from your parent’s record collection and why?
We’ve never stolen anything. We just focus on doing a great job at trying really hard. Actually that’s a lie sometimes we steal kisses from the ladies hahaha. Well, not really stealing they’re just always trying to kiss us and hold our hands and we’re just all like, “Hey baby what’s up? We’re just hustling some paper over here making some money, something about benjamins…” and they’re always like, “Hi The Stiffys, we want to talk you, you are really cool guys” and we’re just all like, “Whatever, baby – we know.” Great job ladies, great job everybody.
What’s on heavy rotation on your iPod right now?
We have Discmans and we really enjoy listening to The Beards and The Toot Toot Toots and Damn Terran and Dotcoms and yis and Snowdroppers and BJ Morriszonkle and The Once Overs and Death Valley Band and Howl At The Moon and Ouch My Face and High Tea and Ferry Tails and Clavians and Gatherer and Smoke Signals and The Floors and Udays Tiger and On Sierra and Bodies and The Dooms.
How do you find new music?
We like having a couple of drinks and we like seeing lots of bands so we usually have a couple of drinks and go and see lots of bands. Sometimes we get Happy Meals after seeing all of the bands but we might stop doing that now because they keep giving us these toys that are already made and there’s nothing left to put together and it’s like, “Guys I’m twenty five years old. I think I can put my own toy together, God!”
Do you have any particular ritual before you go on stage, or even a lucky charm you take with you?
We like to have a couple of drinks before our shows and make sure we put a couple of drinks on the stage for during the show because we get thirsty and need to stay hydrated. We also like to put up posters so we can see the names of our songs and then we play our songs and everybody sings along and has a good time. Adam likes to put a poster saying The Stiffys on the bass drum so everybody can see what the name of our band is but mainly we just like having a couple of drinks.
If you could curate your own festival, where would it be, who would be on the bill, how many people would you let in and what features would it have?
We would probably have the festival at Old Bar because it’s a really great venue and heaps of babes go there all the time. Sometimes we can’t even get in the front door – we think it’s probably because of all the babes. If we had a festival there we would give away heaps of Red Rooster and microwaves and pogo sticks and Pokemons and Discmans and everyone would bring their basketball cards and be all like, what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what.
When you’re Rolling Stones Big, what are you going to request on your rider: don’t be shy. We want specifics!
Mainly just heaps of batteries like double As and triple As and nine volt batteries for our pedals and walkmans and remote control cars and also lots of phone batteries because all the ladies keep calling us. We’d probably also like a couple of drinks back there maybe some champagne and some Red Rooster. Maybe a DVD player so we could watch Dawson’s Creek – that’s a really good show, we don’t know why not many people watch it anymore. It’s like they all stopped caring after Pacey and Joey got on the boat. It’s like, doesn’t anyone want to know what happened when they got back from their trip because actually heaps of stuff happened when they got back. Dawson was really upset with them but them he rediscovered his filmmaking and Dawson’s parents got back together and bought a fish shop and then Pacey’s sister came back from college and holy guacamole she was such a babe we were all like what what what what what what what what what what what what…
Because it’s more fun to do things together, which living Australian artist would you most like to collaborate with? Tell us why?
Probably The Beards and The Toot Toot Toots and Damn Terran and Dotcoms and yis and Snowdroppers and BJ Morriszonkle and The Once Overs and Death Valley Band and Howl At The Moon and Ouch My Face and Ferry Tails and Gatherer and The Floors and Udays Tiger and On Sierra and Bodies and the Mightest Of Guns and Rich Davies And The Devils Union and The Dooms and Bone because they’re our favourite bands and best friends.
What is your band’s music the best soundtrack for?
Trying really hard.
Where we can see you play next, what releases do you have available and where can we get them? [Feel include links, dates, album titles etc.]
You can buy our self-titled album from Thornbury Records or at our shows you guys:
Thursday 15th March At The Corner Hotel In Melbourne
Friday 16th March At The Corner Hotel In Melbourne
Saturday 17th March At The Bended Elbow In Geelong
Friday 23rd March At Royal Oaks Hotel In Launceston
Saturday 24th March At Republic Bar In Hobart
Friday 30th March At The Zoo In Brisbane
Saturday 31st March At Sol Bar In Maroochydore
Friday 13th April At Adelaide Uni Bar In Adelaide
More deets on The Beards Tour!