The Avalanches have just dropped some pretty exciting news: they’re releasing an album, and won’t be making us wait quite so long this time around.
Speaking to FBi Radio ahead of their block party appearance at the Sydney Opera House for Vivid LIVE, the pair were chatting about their work with Danny Brown and all the rest, when they just happened to slip in that they’ve got their next record in the works.
“In the few weeks since we’ve been home from the States, me and Tony have just been writing,” they said. “It’s flowing so quickly. I think getting Wildflower out of the way and following up Since I Left You feels like a weight’s been lifted. The music is really light, it’s some of the best stuff we’ve done.”
The years of expectation that rested on their long-awaited sophomore release last year – and its protracted recording process – probably didn’t make the album a huge amount of fun to record, but it sounds like things are going smoothly.
“We’ve got eight songs we’re playing to the label on Monday,” they say, but as for a release date? “Who knows when? Next year? It’s definitely soon.”