Tone Deaf Present: Auckland band The Checks’ as part of their Live Recorded series ‘Deaf Sessions’ on their ‘Ready to Die’ tour throughout March. The sexy rocky single with hints of funk and Cobain-esque vocals is taken from the album ‘Deadly Summer Sway’ and showcases the bands raw punk energy found present in their earlier sounds, which has managed to evolve itself into the more colourful and intricate sonic weave we now hear.
‘Ready to Die’ has been a favourite across alternative and rock radio in New Zealand, sustaining top rotation throughout the summer. With that in mind The Checks are now crossing the Tasman more frequently to pave their way into the Australian scene with their dynamic live shows.
So if you’re a rock music lover who is sick of the generic indie pop bands and try hard cock-rockers renew your trust in rock n roll again with The Checks in Melbourne at everybody’s favourite rock den Cherry Bar.
After spending the summer recording our debut EP at Newmarket studios in Melbourne, we are very pleased to announce that Guests Of Ghosts will celebrating the launch of our debut at Cherry Bar on the 9th of March too.
The Checks (Single Launch) (NZ) – ‘Ready To Die Tour’
Guests Of Ghosts (EP Launch)
Wildcat General Strike
Cherry Bar AC/DC Lane
Doors 8pm
Presales $10 + bf or $13 on the door.