I’m Monte from The Delta Riggs. I play bass and sing from time to time. We play an eclectic blend of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Soul, Punk Rock, Psych, Hip Hop and all of the bits in between. We constantly push each other and progress as a band so that nothing gets stale or derivative of itself. We are currently on tour before heading on our first ever jaunt overseas.
You’re currently on tour across the East Coast. How have the shows been going so far? Any shenanigans worth mentioning?
Shows have been going quite well, last week in Melbourne was awesome. We enlisted a couple of the Saskwatch guys to play horns for a few songs. They nailed it. The set got recorded live for Spotify so you’ll be able to hear them ( and us) having a ball. We also were given a 1969 Holden Monaro to use for a few days. It was so rad burning around Melbourne in it. It belongs to our pal Rory and is aptly nicknamed “ The Pig”.
You were also recently at BIGSOUND. Learn anything insightful or just party it up with the entirety of the local music scene?
We were literally in and out of Brisbane within 20 hours. So we got pretty wild that night. We played pretty well too so that’s always a plus. It is a bit of a “who’s who” up there isn’t it. We were just stoked to hang out with our good mates Money For Rope and Stonefield again.
You’re preparing to embark upon an American tour? Where are you looking forward to playing the most?
We are playing in LA and in New York. To say we are pumped would be a huge understatement. We have been looking forward to getting over to the states for a long time. So no preference as to where, we are just happy to be there.
Any particular record stores or sights you’re going to hit up while you’re over there?
I’ve personally been over a bunch of times so I guess I’d like to explore the cities more, particularly New York. I’ve also told the guys that if we have 2 days off in LA I’m hijacking the van and driving them all to Mexico. I went down there a few years ago and it’s an eye opener. We’ll go down, get shit faced, stay in some dodgy hostel and try and make it back alive. It excites me.
You’re playing CMJ Music Marathon alongside a host of other Aussie bands and internationals. Who are you looking forward to checking out?
I want to see The Dismemberment Plan for sure – Emergency & I is a great album. The Preatures are always great too. I am vibing on Courtney Barnett a lot lately too.
HEX.LOVER.KILLER has been out for a few months now. How do you think it has aged so far? Has the response to the album fitted to your expectations?
As far as expectations go, we didn’t have too many. We just wanted whomever heard it to get what we are doing and so far so good. I still think it has a lot of legs and will stand up in a few years time. We are really proud of it and stoked that our debut got given 4/5 stars in Rolling Stone too
Have you been working on any new material in the meantime? If so, what does it sound like?
We have actually, we’ve got about another 8 or so songs written. It still has The Delta Riggs swagger and urgency but we have experimented a lot with different styles. There is a definite sou/ hip-hop vibe going on with a strong focus on melodies and tonal textures. We are really excited with the songs we’ve been producing thus far. We have been playing one of the tracks on this tour; it’s called 16th Century Era.
What records have you stolen from your parent’s record collection and why?
My parents weren’t huge on music when I was growing up. They have come full circle though and are into it more than ever which is cool. I do remember stealing my dads Creedence Clearwater Revival album all the time, they really captured and harnessed a sound that evokes nostalgia no matter when you hear it.
What Australian artist would you most like to collaborate with and why?
Luke Steele. Have you heard those Sleep Jackson records? That’s why.
What’s on the cards for The Delta Riggs for the rest of the year and early 2014?
Well this trip overseas is in the forefront of our minds. We’ll probably have a bit of time off when we are back and regroup. Towards the end of the year for some festivals and Summer good times. We’ll head to the UK at some point next year too.
Where we can see you play next, what releases do you have available and where can we get them?
All our dates and releases are listed here – www.thedeltariggs.com & you can also check out some randomness at thedeltariggs.tumblr.com