Alt-rock legends Tool recently announced a US tour, which is all well and good, but all anybody really wants to know is when the new album is coming out. Seriously, it’s been almost a decade since 10,000 Days, hurry up.
Well, the good news is there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that is if guitarist Adam Jones’ new interview with Rolling Stone is to be believed. Just how far away that shiny beacon is remains a mystery, however.
As Consequence of Sound reports, Jones recently revealed that the band is still hard at work on a new record, though they’re far from completing it and that their upcoming tour is actually a “little break” from writing.
Still, Jones said the band’s writing sessions have been “wonderful”, adding, “Things are really flowing and going really well, and I’m just blown away at the stuff that’s coming together. I’m excited and can’t wait for it to be done.”
“It’s something I’ve been missing for a long time [laughs], that beautiful collaboration that we have because we’re all so different and have different tastes. But again, when you are all meeting in the middle and that thing you do that meets in the middle is just beautiful, it’s very rewarding. So yes, I’m very happy.”
Jones said the band is sitting on 20 potential song ideas, which they’ve been sharing with frontman Maynard James Keenan online. Jones said Keenan has even written some lyrics, “but until the song’s done and he knows how the end is, he’s still figuring out the flow”.
During a Halloween gig in Arizona last month, the band debuted an instrumental called ‘Descending’. Jones confirmed that it was a shortened version of an “amazing” new song that clocks in between 13 and 14 minutes.
There’s still no projected date for the album’s release, but Jones said the band will go back to work following the completion of the tour and hopes to release it sometime in 2016 so “we can tour more”.