10. Kate Moss vs. James Nesbitt
Rock-star-loving-clothes-horse Kate Moss stormed out of the GQ Men of The Year awards after the host James Nesbitt made a joke about her she wasn’t too pleased about. Cocaine-Kate, as she is lovingly referred to in some circles, took offense when Nesbitt said “Kate Moss has still got it. Well, she should do. … I gave it to her just before she came onstage!” before adding “my number that is”.
She was then filmed storming out saying “How very fucking dare he! I’ll never come to one of these award ceremonies again” while Lily Allen giggled nervously watching her leave. Moss was later found crying into her pillow, sobbing ‘why won’t anyone take me seriously?’
9. Liam Gallagher- Brit Awards
Obviously no stranger to very public controversies, Gallagher accepted his award at the Brit’s for Best Album of 30 years (a publicly voted accolade) thanking everyone one of his band members except his brother Noel, before throwing the award into the crowd. He later said backstage that he didn’t think they really deserved the award, before continuing to say “Now can we go and take loads of Class A drugs?” in classic Liam style.
The year before Liam and Noel had a falling out which ended their work together in Oasis, and now Liam is working on an album with his new band, including all the members of Oasis. Except Noel.
8. Miley Cyrus Teen Choice Awards
Daughter of country music legend Billy-Ray Cyrus, and star of Tween show ‘Hannah Montana’, found herself in a rather awkward position with her usual tiny audiences after she pole-danced as part of her routine at the Teen Choice Awards last year.
Teen parents worldwide expressed surprise and anger that a role model for teens would perform using such risqué props. She hit back on Twitter saying ‘It’s not like most 16 years olds aren’t doing it anyway’ and that she didn’t regret a moment of it, adding further that she would do it again.
7. Jarvis Cocker Vs Michael Jackson Brit Awards
This is quite possibly one of the best stunts pulled on a pop artist…ever.
In 1996 Jarvis Cocker, of Pulp notoriety, snuck onto the stage at the Brit awards while Michael Jackson was performing his odorous, take-no-prisoners ‘Earth Song’. Our hero Cocker then waves his hands from his arse to the audience, indicating what he thinks of the song. The ever-present security guards finally realise and chase him around the stage while Jackson continues his righteous head banging. Priceless footage- it’s a must see!
6. Britney Spears on MTV Awards
Britney provided the world with an unbeatable cringe-fest when she lip-synched her way through the opener for the MTV VMA’s in 2008. Appearing bloated and lifeless, she let the back-up dancers push her through the performance while the live audience looked on with a mix shock and confusion (and probably disgust judging from 50 Cents face). Touted as her ‘comeback’ appearance, the only thing that came back was the audience’s hors d’oeuvres.
Sarah Silverman ripped into her afterwards saying “She is 25 years old, and she has already accomplished everything she is going to accomplish in life” Never a truer word was spoken.
5. Eminem/Bruno at the MTV Awards
What was initially an incredibly humiliating moment for Eminem actually turned out to be a well-rehearsed stunt organised by Sasha Baron Cohen. But that doesn’t take away from how good it was anyway.
Bruno was strung from the ceiling and flew above the audience wearing a white leather G-string contraption and wings. He landed with his arse in Eminem’s face, while Eminem yelled ‘Are you fucking serious?’ His posse quickly jumped to the rescue and Eminem stormed out of the awards.
He later admitted it was rehearsed, adding that when he got back to his hotel room he laughed about it for hours. God I wish it was real.
4. Lily Allen Vs. Elton John
In 2008, Lily was paired with diva Elton John to host the GQ Men of The Year awards. After way too much raspberry cordial, Lily was slurring her words and failing to read the cue’s properly. When she said to the audience “And now for a very special part of the evening …” Elton sharply remarked, “What? Are you going to have another drink?”
Lily fired back saying “Fuck off Elton, I am 40 years younger than you and have my whole life ahead of me” to which he replied “I could still snort you under the table.”
The number one rule of being a pop star: whatever disgraceful mess you’ve gotten yourself into, Elton always done worse. Well, him and George Michael.
3. Kurt Cobain Vs Axl Rose
While Nirvana’s win for best new artist at the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards led to Bieber-esque screaming from fans and a garbled speech about tabloid propaganda, backstage was apparently the place to be for rock-sledging. The picture perfect couple of Kurt and Courtney were minding their own business, playing with the then 3 week-old Francis Bean, when big ol’ Axl Rose came lumbering along, presumably to sell everyone drugs or women.
In his choir-boy voice, and with Courtney’s full support, Kurt kindly asked Axl if he would consider being godfather to their little treasure. To which Axl replied to Courtney “You’d better shut up bitch, don’t pitch me any shit tonight”. He then threatened to smash everyone in the vicinity to the pavement, which left Kurt and Courtney shaken and afraid.
It was this single act which ultimately destroyed this family’s god-fearing, sober lifestyle and led them down a road of drugs, alcohol and depression.
2. Ronnie Wood vs. Brandon Block
The year 2000 at the Brit awards was as usual wrought with bad behaviour. While Ronnie Wood and Thora birch were announcing the award for Best Soundtrack, a wasted UK DJ Brandon Block wobbled to the stage thinking he had won something.
Yes, he may have been overcome by thoughts of grandeur, but apparently his pals had convinced him he had won the award. Nice friends.
But he then refused to leave the stage until security came and grabbed him, at which stage Ronnie called him a wanker, and Block ran back yelling ‘Wot did you call me mate?’ At which stage Ronnie came down on him like a rolling stone (yes, dad joke slip) throwing his glass of whiskey in his face. If you watch the clip below, he bloody well deserved it! I bet the only part Ronnie regrets was wasting his whiskey on such a moron.
1. Kanye West
A clear winner in the arsehole stakes- Kanye West has not once but twice crashed the stage at the MTV awards. In 2006 at the European MTV Awards he interrupted Justice and Simian’s acceptance speech saying he should have won because it “cost a million dollars, Pamela Anderson was in it. … I was jumping across canyons. … If I don’t win, the awards show loses credibility.” Someone needs to give him a dictionary, because I don’t think he knows what credibility means. That million dollars was probably just to pay for Pamela Anderson.
The second speech highjack was last year, again at MTV awards. (They should really think twice about inviting him next again) As Taylor Swift was giving her acceptance speech, West got on stage and said “Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but Beyonce has one of the best videos of all time!” After which he was apparently escorted off the premises. He then held a private award show in his hotel room, where he wiped out the competition in every category.
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