By the end of every week there are a bunch of music-related stories, cool links, videos, and other internet ditties that we haven’t managed to get to throughout the week.
As a remedy to this, we’re happy to introduce our new column Trash Can– our avenue for sharing cool music tidbits we’ve come across for you to nibble on before the glory of the weekend. Dig in!
Turn Your Old Records Into Hipster Glasses
A Budapest-based company called Vinylize have been making crazy oversized glasses out of old records since before you were cool enough to own either. The Hungarians, whose specs retail at over $500AU (yes, really) believe that “music has the power to transcend borders and open minds” and that “no other company fuses style, music and recycling more perfectly.” Vinyl, oversized glasses AND recycling? It’s nice to know we live in a just world where the dreams of high-earning, urban-dwelling, twenty-somethings can come true.
‘Get Lucky’ With Daft Punk Condoms & Cue ALL The Puns
Wanna go ‘Harder Better Faster Stronger’? Consider yourself blessed cause you’re about to ‘Get Lucky’ as you take your significant other ‘Around The World’ in the sack so bloody well that you just know your ‘Instant Crush’ will be pleading for ‘One More Time’. Be prepared to get ‘Aerodynamic’ and prove to your lover that you’ve got ‘Da Funk’ . You’ll have them ‘Rollin’ And Scratchin” all night long and they’ll be screaming that it’s the ‘Primetime Of Your Life’. You’ll re-dub your bed the ‘Steam Machine’ and as you go ‘Face To Face’ and take yourself ‘Within’ for some ‘Contact’ you’ll know you’ve got the ‘Touch’ and are ‘Doin’ It Right’. Just make sure not to go ‘Too Long’ or you’ll have her ‘Burnin” over the ‘Game Of Love’. Just be sure to clean up all that Daft Spunk.
Worst. Mosher. Ever.
Think of the worst thing that’s ever happened happened to you at a gig. Did someone super tall stand in front of you? Did you get stuck behind the sappy couple who wont stop making out in front of your face? How about a flash-heavy douchebag who wont put their phone away for the entirely of the concert? Well, consider yourselves lucky that you weren’t at The Kings Of Leon concert in Birmingham this week, where one dude decided it would be a great idea to get entirely naked and crowd surf. Luckily, we weren’t there, but someone did capture the whole thing in video aptly titled ‘Fuzzy Furry Balls’. Check it out above.
This Beatboxer Will Blow Your Mind
At the recent TED x talks in Sydney, international beatboxing champion Tom Thum decided to take his audience a trip around the world of sound using only his voice. From ancient India and traditional Mandari n music through to German dubstep, the boy knows his shit.The video which has been up for four days has already racked up 1.6 million views. Thum lists scratched vinyl, the Michael Jackson back-catalogue, the didgeridoo, fifties jazz banda among his favourite dittys to recreate.
You Can Turn Your Daily Activities Into A Vinyl Record Now
Brian House is an experimental sound artist who uses critical data practice to make sounds. What does that mean? Well lots of things but in this case, he mapped out his movements for a year and used math to turn it into music. Pretty cool, huh? As his website states “Quotidian Record is a limited edition vinyl recording that features a continuous year of my location-tracking data. Each place I visited, from home to work, from a friend’s apartment to a foreign city, is mapped to a harmonic relationship. 1 day is 1 rotation … 365 days is ~11 minutes.” Math is pretty cool.