By the end of every week there are a bunch of music-related stories, cool links, videos, and other internet ditties that are a little on the trashy side.
As a remedy to this, we’re happy to introduce our new column Trash Can– our avenue for sharing the funny, the weird, and the downright tacky music stories of the week. Enjoy!
Bart Simpson Apologises To Judas Preist
We know rock stars take their craft seriously, and everyone’s been a victim of mistaking their indie-rock for their progressive contemporary, but it seems one 10 year old boy did more damage that most probably thought possible. A while back. Judas Preist made an appearance on the cartoon performing their song ‘Breaking The Law’. All was well and good until the sho referred to them as a ‘death metal’ band. The situation was rectified however when, as NME reports “Bart Simpson used the blackboard in the show’s opening credits to say sorry to the band, writing ‘Judas Priest Is Not “Death Metal”‘ after they were referred to as such on the show earlier this month, incurring the wrath of fans of the band, who state that the rock group are not part of the death metal sub-genre.”
Blur’s Alex James planning to launch new drink, ‘Britpop’
Because being a rock star just isn’t enough, Blur bassist and all round stylist guy Alex James appears to be launching a soft drink. The muso registered the name ‘Britpop’ in October last year and did some more fancy legal stuff earlier this week. While it isn’t exactly clear what exactly the drink will be, Buzzfeed report that the application stipulated that plans for the beverage included “beverages enriched with added minerals”and “low alcohol beer” as well as “alcopops”. For those not in the culinary loop James also holds the trademark to a bunch of cheeses. Yep.
Macaulay Culkin’s Pizza-Themed Band Drops First Music Video
It must be hard having all the money in the world and having nothing to fill your time with. Harder still, must be realising that at 30 years old your official occopation is kazoo soloist for a pizza – themed Velvet Underground cover band. Culkin, whose role in the band is percussionist and kazoo soloist, vouches for the fact that this new musical endeavour is for realises hence the release of their first music video. As Grantland reports the clip includes a mash up of a couple of their songs including “All the Pizza Parties” (a take on the Velvet Underground’s “All Tomorrow’s Parties”), “Pizza Gal” (“Femme Fatale”), and “Take a Bite of the Wild Slice” (“Walk on the Wild Side”). Jeeesuuusss.
This Prince Cameo On New Girl Is Happening
It’s safe to say Prince is an eccentric guy with diverse tastes. He likes pyjama parties, complex chord progression, and the colour purple. What fans recently found out which may have come as a surprise is that the world class guitarist is also a huge fan of the slightly naff America sitcom New Girl. Prince plays a love interest for Zooey Deschanel’s character Jess, is what has to be the weirdest cameo on primetime in a while. A producer of the show said of the icon, “He’s got a very quiet, wry sense of humor but he kills. There’s a moment in the episode where he’s sitting in between Zooey and Jake on a bench. And it’s a silent beef and he’s just looking between them trying to figure them out. And it’s hilarious. He has crazy comic instincts.” Weirder still? Prince begged Deschanel to let him appear on the show. (via Consequence Of Sound)
There’s A Milli Vanilli Opera In The Works
For those whose pop culture trivia isn’t up to scratch, let’s break this down: in 1988 too impeccable looking French men were scouted by an entertainment exec who saw potential for them to be musical superstars. The only problem was the duo couldn’t sing or write music, but that didn’t stop them. In 1990 the boys released their first album which was an international success and earned them a Grammy award for Best New Artist. Long story short the whole thing was a hoax and the dudes mimed the whole thing. They were shot down by fans and critics, and people thought for a while that pop music was dying. Super duper sad, right? Well some very clever pop culture lovers have decided to turn the debacle into an on-stage tragedy, and we can’t even wait. As AV Club report composer Joe Diebes, poet Christian Hawkey, and David Levine are hoping people will see the sadness in the story with Diebes, describing the whole thing a “Faustian bargain”.