By the end of every week there are a bunch of music-related stories, cool links, videos, and other internet ditties that are a little on the trashy side.
As a remedy to this, we’re happy to introduce our new column Trash Can– our avenue for sharing the funny, the weird, and the downright tacky music stories of the week. Enjoy!
Kanye West Doesn’t Like His Bitcoin Coinye
There’s a lot of things Mr. West doesn’t care for, and while he may rap about cash money, when it comes to digital currency, he wants no part of it. Earlier this week it came to public (read: Twitter) attention that a new kind of Bitcoin would be launched come January 11th taking grand inspirations from Yeezy, and so punnily named Coinye West. As The Guardian report “after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from West’s law firm, Pryor Cashman, the cryptocurrency’s creators pushed forward the release, issuing the first coins last night.” But as Heavy notes, there’s not a lot the rapper can do. Power to the internet people!
Rick Ross Wants LMFAO To GTFO
Rick Ross needs better people around him. He’s suing LMFAO – yeah they’re the dudes who were responsible for an entire generation of douchey kids wearing glasses without lenses, ugh – for copyright infringement three years after the song in question was released. So while every single person in the universe may have realised that the “every day I’m shufflin‘” refrain heard in LMFAO’s ‘Party Rock Anthem’ was a clear rip off – or homage, perhaps? – to Ross’ 2006 hit ‘Hustlin’ it’s taken Ricky a few years to catch up. We get the whole notion of artistic pride and everything, but Ross is reported to be worth $30 million, and if you remember, attends poker parties with Diddy, where they routinely bet a million dollars at a time. It’s hard to shed a tear, you know?
Tupac Was Almost In Star Wars
Some things are so perfect separately, that should they be combined the universe might explode, kinda like when someone had the genius idea to invent Dijonaise and the whole world collectively freaked out. Well, here’s one that never was. Apparenly our boy Tupac was a favourite of George Lucas’ to play a role in one of the films in the multi-billion dollar franchise. As Consequence Of Sound report, “Rick Clifford, Shakur’s former collaborator and the former Chief Engineer of Death Row Records, said Pac was supposed to read for the role of Mace Windu in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.” Clifford said in an interview, “[He] was telling me that he was supposed to read for George Lucas and [Lucasfilm]. They wanted him to be a Jedi.” Can’t imagine it? Don’t worry you don’t have to, someone’s already done an ace job on Photoshop.
Beyonce Crashed A Karaoke Party
Bey, her boy Hov and her #1 GF Kelly Rowland walked into a karaoke bar in downtown Miami and blew some people’s minds. While on a girls’ night out three unsuspecting karaoke-lovers were stunned when two-thirds of Destiny’s Child crashed their booth. They were so stunned in fact, that one of the girls started the interaction by saying “You look just like Kelly Rowland” to the singer herself. Once they realised Queen Bey was there as well, they rightfully freaked the fuck out as you can check out in the photos here. The cherry on top of this very unlikely cake? One of the girls was passed out drunk the entire time and the superstars photobombed her. Hov was quietly eating french fries in the VIP room next door.
Insane Clown Posse File Lawsuit Against FBI
Juggalo might be a dirty word in most social circles, but when it comes to the FBI and the US Justice Department , it’s just fancy slang for a member of a “a loosely organised hybrid gang”. Thems fightin’ words. And while The Posse might claim they preach the values of acceptance, that hasn’t stopped them from pursuing legal action against the government bodies. A site called Juggalos Fight Back has been set up in a bid to stave the classification with the band even offering free legal services to anyone who may have “suffered any negative consequence with a governmental representative, including law enforcement, border patrol, airline security, or other local, state or federal governmental agency or employee as a result of [their] status as a Juggalo.” We wonder if this will feature on their reality TV show? Whoop whoop indeed.