Considering most dwelling within the realms of the modern world have managed to pick up on widespread socially progressive ideals, it’s hard to forget that some beings are still comfortable living as complete barbarians. The owners and punters of the pub ‘Doctor Browns’ in Middlesbrough belong to the group of individuals who are yet to pick up on outlandish ideas like equal opportunities for women and men in music.
According to the pub manager Paula Rees, regular punters ‘won’t come in if there’s a female singer’ fronting a live act performing as most of the crowd believe that “they don’t think that women should sing male rock songs” as reported by the Northern Echo.
Apparently, Rees is ‘not a rock fan’ but has been told that women ‘can’t sing heavy rock’ by punters who most likely believe Axl Rose is a stand-up human being and live by the Gospel-esque lyrics of Motley Crue despite their receding hairlines. Way to reveal just how out of touch you are! For a bar that supposedly champions rock music, they seem to have forgotten a few tiny female acts that have contributed greatly to the development of the genre – Blondie, who? Joan Jett, where? Stevie Nicks, what?
Hannah Sowerby of the bands Revenant and Syndicate 66 has said that Doctor Browns had canceled her gigs, as well as other bands in the past upon discovery that they were female fronted.
“I haven’t been allowed to play because I’m female, despite the fact my band can draw a crowd. You wouldn’t get people saying they don’t like male bands because not all male singers are the same—just like not all female singers are the same. It is a sexist attitude from the regulars and there’s no excuse for it in 2017, you’d think we’d be past this by now.” said Sowerby
The sexist ban has ignited a social media against the band, with high profile acts like Halestorm taking to Twitter to highlight their disdain.
It shouldn’t be about gender. It’s about TALENT.There are shitty female singers and shitty male singers,There are Amazing female singers and Amazing male singers. I think they need to run their establishment differently.
— Lzzy Hale (@LZZYHALE) December 9, 2017
We 100% do not condone the actions of Doc Browns and we’re ashamed to say that this has been picked up internationally. We do not support the choice that they are making and we hope that other bands in our area feel the same.
— Northshore (@NRTHSHRE) December 9, 2017