Radiohead are in full on nostalgia mode around the 20th anniversary of their career-defining OK Computer, and they’ve just dished out a live version of an outtake that has gone largely under-appreciated in the wake of the album’s release.
“Normally, I don’t think we’re the sort of people to look back, but it was interesting when we did…” Thom told the crowd, adding “what a bunch of nutters we were, and probably still are.
“One of the crazy things we did was not release this song, because we didn’t think it was good enough,” he finishes, before easing gently into a track that no Radiohead fan has heard live for over two decades.
Listening to the track side by side, Thom’s powerful yet delicate voice sounds as if it could have been plucked from 20 years ago, too – or perhaps even a little richer with age.
Either way, this is how an anniversary celebration is supposed to be done.