Sandra Araya, the wife of Slayer frontman Tom Araya, has casted doubt on the legitimacy of COVID-19 and rubbished the notion of racial discrimination in American policing. MetalSucks uncovered Araya’s unsettling history of supporting racist conspiracies via her Instagram account.

Tom Araya revealed his true colours shortly after the election of Donald Trump. He posted a photoshopped image of Slayer with the new President on the band’s Instagram account. It received inevitable backlash and was quickly taken down (presumably by one of Araya’s band mates). A clearly upset Araya reposted the image the following day and added an alarming caption.

“I never would have guessed that there where so many snowflakes commenting their distaste for the new president. Like him or not he is the president,” he said. Araya’s use of the term snowflake raised eyebrows – it’s generally deployed by the right to criticise social justice-oriented millennials and liberals. But he also suggested there was something fishy about the post’s deletion.

“Woke up the next morning and found someone had deleted the post … can some one please explain why…?” This was a clue to the sort of deep state dread that engulfs Araya and his wife. The MetalSucks article shows how Sandra Araya frequently regurgitates many of the alt-right’s favourite conspiracy theories.

In recent days, she’s posted memes denying that the murder of George Floyd had anything to do with race and claiming to expose the hypocrisy of white protestors standing up to black police officers. She’s also endorsed the wacko idea that COVID-19 is a hoax created (or at least disseminated) by the mainstream media.

“With the wave of a wand the media diverted your attention from a ‘deadly’ pandemic to racial riots,” she wrote. “Don’t mistake rioters with protestors. There is plenty of evidence showing you that the riots were instigated by organisations affiliated with the elite.”

She also reposted a tweet claiming the riots were merely a distraction from the fact Hillary Clinton was in court for “600,000 emails involving child molestation and child torture.” Araya has responded to the MetalSucks article, reposting a screen grab and commenting, “So a woman with a private page has an opinion that differs from this site’s uptight liberal views. Gotta resort to lying, manipulating and twisting the truth.”

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