In addition to the already announced appearances at Laneway Festival, Handsome Tours are proud to announce that Autre Ne Veut will also be performing solo headline shows in Melbourne and Sydney. Tickets are on sale now.
Recent years have seen the ascension of a whole new and prosperous era for R&B with the emergence of a raft of transcendent neo-soul artists such as Frank Ocean and The Weeknd, but it’s Autre Ne Veut who’s really paved the way for this glorious reimagining, first via his 2010 self-titled debut and more recently courtesy of his sophomore long-player, Anxiety.
Autre Ne Veut – the phrase lifted from a fifteenth-century French inscription meaning “I want no other” – is the performance moniker of eccentric Brooklyn musician Arthur Ashin, an enigmatic man whose background is akin to a riddle wrapped in a mystery. He’s the darling of the blogosphere, and we know that;
– He has a Masters degree in psychology
– He used to work as a jingle writer to make ends meet
– He previously shared a house with Daniel Lopatin (aka Oneohtrix Point Never)
– He recorded all of his early material (including the smash hit Autre Ne Veut) in his bedroom
Apart from these background titbits all we really know is that Autre Ne Veut has quickly become synonymous with having his fingers slap bang on the zeitgeist with every move he makes. Anxiety has taken critics and fans everywhere by storm, the super-catchy electro-pop of singles Counting and Play By Play possessing a depth and emotional resonance that elevates them far beyond the work of his peers. His stream-of consciousness lyrics may seem highly-sexualised on the surface, but as he told Pitchfork at the time of Anxiety’s release;
“I’m not afraid to sing about sex, but it’s more about the anxieties and frustrations of trying to
relate to other people in this world, or to accomplish the things I want to accomplish”.
Furthermore, Ashin claims that his work as Autre Ne Veut is a cathartic process akin to psychoanalysis, meaning that his lauded live show is like one massive therapy session as he bonds with his adoring fans. Now it’s the turn of his Australian followers to feel the magic, so get along and hear some cutting-edge music and help a struggling musician make sense of his life at the same time when Autre Ne Veut hits our shores for his inaugural visit in early 2014.
Autre Ne Veut – February 2014 tour
Presented by Handsome Tours, supported by Triple R and FBi
Tickets on sale now from
Tuesday 4th – Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
Wednesday 5th – Oxford Art Factory, Sydney
Autre Ne Veut will also perform at Laneway Festival nationally –
Tone Deaf are giving away a couple double passes to each of the shows. Enter your details below to win!
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