How do you do? It’s nice to make your acquaintance! We’re Winter York, a four- piece indie-pop band from Melbourne that plays music expressing the highest of highs and the lowest of lows; we love sharing music that you can relate to. Our debut EP is readily available and a year of new work is nearing completion for release in early 2014. Oh, and our singer has great hair too.
It’s been close to a year since you released your debut EP. How does it feel to know it’s coming up a year and what’s changed since?
It has, and to the outside world it appears too long. If there’s one thing we’ve learnt along our pathway so far, is that rushing your product is the best way to continue to trip over yourself. We have a new release on the way, along with a whole bunch more. It takes a long time to grow together as a band and we’re just beginning to really find our stride. On the outside perhaps not a lot has changed, but on the inside the difference is huge. Oh, and our singers hair has gone through quite an impressive transformation too.
You’re playing ‘24: Join The Revolution’, which is a micro music festival that has been doing well in Sydney and has recently been exported to Melbourne! What are you most looking forward to about the event?
Two of us are from Hobart, so if there’s one thing we know from that it’s how important it is to build or join in on a music culture that’s happening around you. We’ve spent quite some time here in Melbourne meeting likeminded people and getting active in the music culture that exists here. We see Sydney as quite a challenge for many bands and it’s so amazing to see people actively giving up their time to put something like this together, and build it from the ground up. We can’t wait to play alongside both friends and friends to be.
Why should we come and check you out and what can we expect from the event?
Should you come along? Well, if you like to be the tastemaker of your group, then this is a chance to join a very special concept that’s great for bands and music lovers alike. If you like to enjoy a drink, tune & conversation with likeminded music goers then it’ll be a winner. This is the exciting part about this micro music festival concept, it’s a chance for fans and bands to really come together.
To be honest, from the bands we know, there’s so many different things to check out – there’s a little something for everyone; bands that will make you dance, ones to make you think and feel, and others that will give you an urge to strip those clothes off…
We’ve seen so many Australian festivals cancelled recently, yet events like ‘24: Join The Revolution’ have been continuing to do well. What’s your take on this and why this is happening?
Thank you for asking this! The festival market reached saturation point a few years back, and the market needed to rebalance itself. Unfortunately we’ve recently seen so many inexperienced promoters obviously being lured by the guise of large dollar signs. You cannot mistake the mark that a great festival leaves; it’s more than just who’s on the bill or where it’s being held, but what’s coming right from the heart of it. The promoters that are great at it will continue to keep making terrific events that are supported by festival goers.
24 is different to some larger festivals, yet very similar to others. It’s a tiny version of what the great festivals have, and that’s all based around passionate people and embracing a particular culture. 24 will no doubt grow and as long as it keeps hold of its roots then it won’t experience the fate of the ‘soulless’ festivals that are getting cancelled all over the place.
Describe your ideal festival. Location, Acts, Weekend/Single date etc etc
One festival in particular springs to mind; it’s a grass roots event held in Tasmania. The backdrop is picturesque and the theme is about the people behind it, the emerging artists, individuals who genuinely love music and the experience they create together. It’s the essence of any successful festival and we would love to give a shout out to The Party In The Paddock, it’s what it’s all about.
The band you’d love to share a stage with?
Some of our best moments have simply been playing alongside our friends and that’s really important to us to keep doing that all the way through our career. If we’re talking ultimate goal, then playing alongside Coldplay would be the aim. Love them or hate them, what they’ve achieved is amazing and they’re a big inspiration to the band.
Tell us why we shouldn’t miss the Melbourne launch of 24 a Micro Music Festival this weekend?
It’s your chance as a music lover to become part of a movement – the early stages of an event that’s made to connect artists and fans and not just for the lining of pockets. Oh, and did we mention our singer has great hair?
Winter York’s plans for 2014?
As we wish our drummer all the best in his long-term trip overseas working for charity, we’ll be beginning our next phase as a band. You’ll be receiving our sophomore EP at the beginning of the year and some unique ways to connect with us on a level quite different to what’s typically experienced between artist & fan. Our concepts will be showcased both live and online; we’re very proud to showcase this work entirely independently too. That’s as much as we can say just now, but keep in touch with us, we always love to meet new people and hopefully we can make it worth your while.
Winter York Help Launch 24 a Micro Music Festival:
Saturday 26 October
The Grace Darling, Collingwood, Vic
Winter York
Without Parachutes
The Balls
Grande Flash
Moons Poet
For tickets and more go to: