The Peeks is a four-piece folk-rock band from the sleepy Melbourne suburb of Williamstown. Our influences range from Fleet Foxes and Crowded House, to Jake Bugg and Oasis. The band is made up of friends from school and uni: There’s Hamish Hudson on drums, Luke Henriques-Gomes on guitar, Sean Connolly on bass, and me, Fraser Henry, on vocals and guitar. We’re playing a headline show at Revolver Upstairs on Friday November 1. It’s our second ever headline (we’ve played one at Cherry Bar, too) but the first time we’ll have CDs to sell – we’ll be unveiling our debut EP on the night.
Tell us how you became to be known as The Peeks.
The Peeks was a name Hamish and I came up with after spit-balling ideas on our daily Flinders Street bound train commute to high school. I’m not exactly sure how or why it came to be, all I know is that at one point we didn’t have a name and then we were The Peeks.
How have things changed between when you started out in early 2012 and now as you’re soon to release your debut EP?
Things have changed a lot. In early 2012 we were still a two-man band playing the odd gig or two, and recording demos in my living room. As the year moved along, Luke joined, initially on bass, bringing a much-needed touch of class to the band. Then in late 2012, Sean joined as our current bassist, and Luke, much to his delight, moved onto lead guitar. We spent the latter part of 2012 and first half of 2013 refining our sound, songs, and image. We played as many shows as possible, and worked hard to grow as a band and build some sort of fan base. And finally, we jumped into the studio for the first time – learning a lot, and producing a CD we’re really proud of. And now we can’t wait for people to hear it.
Your song ‘Little Black Dog’, inspired by a real event? Was there a little black dog waiting at the bustop? How did ‘Little Black Dog’ come to be?
I wrote ‘Little Black Dog’ in two parts actually. I wrote the verses in early 2012, then wrote the chorus later that year after travelling in Europe for a few months. It was initially inspired by the anxiety we as humans seem to get when talking to people, of the opposite sex or just people we want to court, and we get all nervous. And also how we sometimes get afraid to approach really attractive people because we don’t feel worthy, but that just pisses me off – I wish we had the courage to talk to whoever, whenever, because no one is better than another – but it’s just the way humans are. I once had a little black dog also. She was a half English Pointer, half Dalmatian named Gabby. She used to howl when I played harmonica to her.
Talk us through how you might write a song and what inspires you to write?
Usually I’ll just be playing guitar, a melody will come into my head, and I’ll just start singing anything that comes to my mind. If something sticks, which I’m liking the sound of, I’ll keep working on it. Usually the song’s story revolves or reflects things that I’ve been thinking or reading about, or even something that’s worrying me. At the time I don’t realize what the song is about, but subconsciously these ideas come through. I’m inspired by memories, people, journeys. I have a soft spot for stories, and strange characters. A lot of my songs are about real people, fictional people, and their lives, adventures. And these people often share troubles and passions that I possess myself.
It’s the night of the release what’s running through your mind?
I hope people come! I’m sure I’ll just be excited to get on stage, play well, and give it all I’ve got!
Any pre-stage rituals that we should know about? If not, what’s the weirdest you’ve heard of?
Nah, I haven’t really got any rituals or habits. The weirdest one I’ve come across is my friend’s. He has to drink pineapple juice though a straw. I think he feels it clears up his throat. As for the straw – I don’t know – he might have sensitive teeth.
Album in the works? Viral music video?
Yeah, we’re planning to release a music video for ‘Little Black Dog’ in November. I’d love for it to go viral! You never know, but those things are so unpredictable, how would you know? One minute it’s a cat cooking waffles, and the next minute it’s an old woman playing spoons to Lonely Boy. I haven’t actually seen a video of a cat cooking waffles, but that’d be impressive. As for an album, definitely in the future, but we haven’t put much thought into it as yet. We’re just hoping this one gets a good response.
What’s next for The Peeks?
We’ve got some really exciting times ahead post the EP launch. Late November we’re heading to Adelaide for our first interstate show, which we’re pumped for, and we’re in the process of booking some country Victorian and Sydney shows for early January. Along with that we’ve applied to play at a few festivals in 2014, so hopefully you’ll see us on the bill.
The Peeks Ep is out Friday 1st November available on Itunes.
The Peeks EP Launch:
Friday 1st November – Revolver Upstairs, Melbourne
w/ The Zanes
Doors 8pm