Holy rock n’ roll balls Batman – the Tone Deaf party crew have recovered from a massive month of gigs and our livers have informed us that they’re ready for us to do it all again at Ding Dong Lounge!
Getting us back in the groove we’ve called in one of our favourite bands to headline with the brain shattering Sabbath meets Led Zeppelin rock n’ roll beast that is the mighty Redcoats! Redcoats are one of the hottest bands in Melbourne right now and if you haven’t had your solar plexus pummelled by their psychedelic riffage you need to plug yourself in here and turn it all the way up to 11.
Joining them for a night of mind bending space jams are the psychedelic wail of Alba Varden, the sonic assault of Fangs and the psychobilly surf thrash of Brisbane’s Villains of Wilhem. Make sure you get down early as opening up the night are Tone Deaf’s latest discoveries, Kingswood , who have left us flabbergasted by how much their singer sounds like Bon Scott. They’re the real deal!
As ever, the Tone Deaf DJ crew will be pumping out the tunes til 5am and you can loosen up by getting down early for $10 jugs before 9pm. Tone Deaf nights are selling out, so get down early, or get your tix from here or RSVP here for cheaper and guaranteed entry!