The Thod began 2010 by travelling to Sydney to play shows at World Bar, Oxford Art Factory, and be threatened in the bathroom by mobsters at Ruby Rabbit. While in Sydney they literally launched their debut album Welcome to Thod Country into space with a rocket. Well, maybe not into space, but it went really high into the air.
When they got back they figuratively launched Welcome to Thod Country at a sell out show at The Workers Club in Fitzroy. Since then they’ve played heaps of shows round Melbourne in support of their debut release; playing with the likes of Peter Combe (their childhood hero), The Bedroom Philosopher and The Laurels.
In July, The Thod set up shop at one of their houses in Diamond Creek and recorded lots of new music. It all sounds really good. They even recorded a rap song about living in ‘Diamo’. They also stayed up late to watch the World Cup, but were heartbroken when Germany lost to Spain.
As the year draws to a close, it seems only proper that The Thod gives everyone a taste of what’s in store for 2011.
With this in mind, on Friday November 12, The Thod are set to release their new EP at Cherry Bar with their good friends The Kremlin Succession and YIS.
So come down and check out what The Thod are going to punch you in the face with next year.
The oft-noted difficulty in defining the music of The Thod in genre terms is likely a consequence of the construction of the band itself: The group has variously been labeled a rock and roll band (InPress 2010), a community of practice (McDonald 2010), a group of boys committed to the future of the Eltham RSL (Diamond Valley Leader 2008) a cult (Tonedeaf 2010) and an affinity group within a wider participatory culture (Jenkins 2006).
Importantly, however, the validity of such labels has recently fallen into doubt. In fact, it could be said that the bulk of recent post structuralist research is more concerned with content than categorisation (Bordieu 1988). Within the music industry, such claims have been echoed by prominent theorists including Tweedy (YEAR) and probably Lennon (1970-1980).
In brief, it can be said that the reactions to The Thod are positive in both online and offline modes. Online, the band holds a strong internet presence (,, Equally, on gig nights, revenue generated both ‘at the door’ and ‘in piss sales’ is typically high (Royal Derby staff, 2009 – 2010).
It should be noted that The Thod is not without criticism. Perhaps the most salient point of discussion concerning the band concerns its member count of eight: Wankers in Polo Shirts (2009) have contended that The Thod ‘got too many guitars’, and Ex-roadie Matt Antonello noted ‘squishiness’ in the van during the band’s Sydney gigs in early 2010. It should be noted, however, that more recent debate has argued such claims as erroneous; Fat Kid on Pills at Ding Dong bought two CDs and explained that ‘youse [The Thod] are sick’ (The Thod 2010). Furthermore, analysis of the band’s promotional CD, Album Precis, leads to a conclusion that the multitude of guitars provide a dynamic sound and an important element in the uniqueness of the band.
Researchers are invited to attend The Thod’s upcoming EP launch at Cherry Bar on November 12. The Kremlin Succession and YIS will also be attending. Analysis of prior gigs suggests that it’ll be a pretty sweet party.