Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has announced the release of his upcoming solo album, revealing that Cotillions will be released later this month. 

Back in 2017, Billy Corgan put an end to a drought of solo material by releasing Ogilala, his first solo album in 12 years. Having been busy with new material from The Smashing Pumpkins around this time, fans were glad to hear the new record, even though it received mixed reviews.

Now, following a busy year in 2018 which saw a new record from The Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan has somehow found time to enter the studio again, this time recording a brand new solo album which will be released in a matter of weeks.

Taking to Instagram recently, Corgan revealed that Cotillions would be released on November 22nd, initially as a digital-only record, before physical editions are made available.

“This double album, a true labor of love, is available on all digital platforms,” he began. “All you have to do is pre-subscribe so you can see the song titles and have it waiting for you the moment it comes out.

“Don’t miss the chance to hear it for yourself before others tell you what my songs are or aren’t.”

Check out Billy Corgan’s Instagram post:

“There is a reason I trust you, the people who support me day in and day out, to decide whether or not my efforts are worthy,” he continued.

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“We live in a different world now, where an artist can speak directly to you without the filter of mass media shaping your heart and opinions before you’ve even had a chance to decide whether this music speaks to you.

“And this is absolutely an album from my heart. And so is the new SP, which will be out soon enough.”

While eager fans are undoubtedly keen to hear his new solo material, others would have latched onto the news that The Smashing Pumpkins will be releasing a new record at some point in the near future.

Although we’re still hoping for an Aussie tour from the outfit, here’s hoping that maybe this solo record might convince Corgan to come down to our neck of the woods to give us a bit of a taster beforehand?

Check out ‘Zowie’ by Billy Corgan:

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