The legendary show once hosted by Ashton Kutcher, Punk’d, is returning to our television screens. The new host of choice? Everyone’s favourite rapper who loves his wife, Chance the Rapper.
MTV Studios and Quibi announced just this Friday that Punk’d is officially back with a new host: Chance the Rapper. Pull out your oversized grey shirts, Justin Timberlake and P!nk CD’s and Tamagotchis – this is going to be one blast from the past.
“Punk’d is one of MTV’s most iconic franchises,” Chance said in a press release. “I grew up watching this show and it’s surreal to be in the driver’s seat this time around on Quibi.”
The episodes this go-around will be “bite-sized” cuts, with the full list of celebrity marks set to be announced soon. The new episodes will launch April 6 via the Quibi streaming platform. Below, catch the official Punk’d reboot teaser, complete with a brief appearance by the ever-iconic Megan Thee Stallion:
Watch the trailer for Punk’d with Chance the Rapper below.
Punk’d, of course, was co-created by Ashton Kutcher and Jason Goldberg, with the former serving as the hit series’ longtime host. The show’s most classic format ran from 2003 through 2007, with a one-off reboot airing in 2012 that featured an assortment of guest hosts including Justin Bieber and Tyler, the Creator.
Chance last took on the role of host for a special episode of Late Late Show in December. One month earlier, he appeared on Hot Ones, notably using the resulting discussion to declare Shia LaBeouf “one of the best freestylists of all time.”
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You can watch what Chance calls “the making of Host the Rapper” below.
This will be a good chance, (no pun intended) for the rapper to revitalise his image, after his last album was critically panned as a failure, leading to a vast amount of negative reception.