While COVID-19 lockdown has seen immeasurable amounts of people locked down in their own homes, a vast majority have turned to music as a means of escape during this difficult time.

As lockdown listening has revealed what some of the world’s go-to isolation songs are, the question soon becomes just what are the world’s music makers enjoying to help get them through this time.

Now, this question has been answered by Apple Music, whose new At Home With Apple Music series has seen a number of global artists share the playlists they’ve been using to keep up some semblance of sanity.

Australian and New Zealand artists such as BENEE, Amy Shark, FISHER, Kita Alexander, Dean Lewis, Tash Sultana, 5 Seconds of Summer, and much more have all taken part revealing some of their favourite tracks, and giving a little bit of an insight into why these songs mean so much to them.

Check out Tash Sultana’s playlist:

“This is my favourite song of all time,” Tash Sultana says of Erykah Badu’s “Didn’t Cha Know”. “I think she is not of this world and music is just one dimension of a complex and intelligent being.”

“I’ve been clearing out a lot of music over this isolation period,” adds FISHER of his playlist. “But also getting reminded of some of the gems I have found that I forgot about!

“It’s cool to hear them and it brings me back to an epic moment, playing them or even being on the dance floor while the DJ has dropped the tune and blown my mind.”

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Apple Music’s At Home With Apple Music series has also resulted in some intriguing insights as well, with Tones And I recently chatting with Zane Lowe and discussing how incredible her rise to fame has been.

“When I look back now, even in this short amount of time that I’ve had the privilege of being able to go on this journey, which is due to the hard work I’ve put in, and I know that, and I don’t say that enough,” she explains.

“The other day, I was printing out some of the highlights of the last year to put into frames, to hang on my wall. And even just doing that, to me was like a little way of looking back on the last year. And I just thought, oh my goodness. I cannot believe what is happening right now.

For more playlists and information regarding At Home With Apple Music series, be sure to head along to the Apple Music website.

Check out FISHER’s playlist:

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