It’s Election Day in America, and Axl Rose reminded everyone of what’s at stake by penning a poem, asking Americans to vote “for the future.”

While we would all love to collectively forget about what’s happening right now, the fact that 2020 is probably the most important American election of our time stands. Guns N Roses’ Axl Rose, thus, reminded people of just how much depended on their votes.

In a series of tweets on Monday night, the musician referenced much of what has happened over the last few years in America, and asked people to “take a side, make a stand.”

While the tweets didn’t name either Biden or Trump, it’s pretty clear whom Rose was referring to when he said: “Vote knowing there are those hoping, praying N’ counting on/you won’t/ and would do virtually ANYTHING they thought they could get away with to stop you.” 

Over the past four years, Rose has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration, and has on multiple occasions, not held back on calling them out. In fact, his first tweet of 2020 was a picture of a blue hat — the color of the Democrats — bearing the slogan: ‘Make the White House great again’.

Earlier this year, Rose also criticized the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-pandemic, which has claimed lives and destroyed jobs even as the American government continues to push an anti-science agenda.

“It isn’t that this Administration doesn’t grasp the “magnitude” of the problems that American families r facing. It’s that they don’t care. There’s a difference.” he said in a tweet.

And of course, the Guns N’ Roses frontman has repeatedly dissuaded Trump from using the band’s music at his rallies.

“Just so ya know… GNR like a lot of artists opposed to the unauthorized use of their music at political events has formally requested r music not b used at Trump rallies or Trump associated events,” he said in a tweet earlier this year.

Listen to Axl Rose and vote, guys. 

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