Former Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafra has hit back at his former band for their recent inexplicable support of Republican senator Mitt Romney.

We’re only a few days into 2021, and already people are asking for the money to their 30-day trial back, claiming they’re pretty unimpressed with the way things are turning out so far. However, if there’s one thing that people didn’t expect to see this year, it’s the support of Republican senators from iconic punk band Dead Kennedys.

Things took a strange turn in camp DK yesterday, when the band’s official Twitter page shared a post that featured a picture of noted Republican, and former US Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney.

“Thank you @SenatorRomney and @EvanMcMullin,” the post reads. “Mitt cares about the the USA.”

While it’s not exactly clear what their end goal was here, it’s likely in reference to Romney’s recent break with his political party, and his becoming one of the few noted Republicans to hit back at the recent actions undertaken by outgoing US President Donald Trump.

Of course, this support of anyone from the Republican party is clearly in stark contrast to the history of the Dead Kennedys, especially given their traditionally liberal beliefs, and their frequent satire of conservative political figures, most notably the likes of former US President Ronald Reagan.

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The band’s Twitter account was also quick to hit back at those who took issue with their tweet, with many fans noting that such comments would never have been made if founding frontman Jello Biafra was still in the group.

Biafra has not been a part of the group since 1986, and even butted heads with his bandmates by way of a royalties dispute in the late ’90s. Biafra also refused to take part in the band’s 2001 reunion, with a number of vocalists taking on his role since, and Ron “Skip” Greer filling in as frontman since 2008.

However, Biafra has also weighed in on the recent controversy seen by the group, taking to social media by way of his Alternative Tentacles label to point out the hypocrisy of the band.

“As if today couldn’t get any weirder, look who posted this!!” he began. “How dumb and clueless can you get?? Was it scab singer Skip, who recently denied DK’s are a political band, just, ‘a social satire band’?? Ea$t Bay Ray??

“It sure as hell wasn’t me, and in no way represents anything DK’s ever stood for,” he continued on Facebook. “Cmon, guys, take this down – NOW. Haven’t you disgraced our inspiring legacy that means so much to people enough???

While the current version of the Dead Kennedys haven’t responded to Biafra’s comments, the most impressive (and unexpected) response to this whole situation undoubtedly comes from the Twitter account of ’90s rockers Eve 6, who not only questioned how they could be “more punk” than the Dead Kennedys, but summed things up by noting: “i guess kill the poor wasnt satirical”.

Check out ‘Kill The Poor’ by Dead Kennedys:

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