Whoever said politics and music don’t mix  (*cough* Alice Cooper *cough*) has clearly never heard ‘Dollar at Heart ‘by the The Beamish Brothers.

And for those who haven’t heard of the alt-pop act, The Beamish Brothers, it’s something that should be rectified, stat.

The Beamish Brothers are made up of two Brisbane brothers who have gained international acclaim for harmonising with fresh songwriting ideas that hone in on their signature acoustic style. The duo are also sending strong messages through their music.

“We have written songs on all kinds of social issues and topics. We can’t wait to keep putting them out, start conversations and keep the ball rolling for these issues,” they shared.

Keen to find out more about the up and coming band, we sat down for an exclusive chat with them as part of our popular Get To Know series.

How did your artist name come about? 

That’s an easy one! Beamish is our surname. Our mum originally coined  the name “The Beamish Boys” for us when we were about 10 and 12.  As an opera singer herself, she’d invite us to play guitar and flute at her  shows and even sing a solo or two. That’s really how it all began. We  rolled with “The Beamish Boys” until 2019 when we re-branded to “The  Beamish Brothers”.

How would you describe your music to your grandma? We’d say, “Grandma, think of us singing and playing guitar. Now imagine that with a bass, a kit, some pads and the occasional synths, all turned  up to a volume that you probably wouldn’t like.” Also we’d tell her to, if  nothing else, just focus on the lyrics.

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Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re  about? 

When it comes to our more recent releases, we’ve tried to put more of a  focus on discussing things such as social issues that are really important to us. Nature, for example, is about Mother Nature taking back her power but also stands as an anthem for empowerment over an abusive situation in general. Dollar At The Heart as both a song and a  title really sums up everything about corporatocracy that we are seeing and feel compelled to speak about: wealth inequality and the rise of corporate empires at the expense of the working class and every day consumer.

What do you love about your hometown? 

What we love about Toowoomba is the plentiful coffee shops, the ease  of getting around and the slow pace of life. It’s the sort of place where  conversations are casually struck up between strangers at the dog park  every day and where your barista is your friend.

Career highlight so far?

Definitely being shortlisted by Eurovision for their 2020 “Australia  Decides” instalment and having the song debuted on SBS national TV.  That was a cool moment, for sure. Also seeing our faces on the QPAC  billboard this year was definitely up there!

Fave non-music hobby? 

Drinking coffee falls somewhere between hobby and addiction for us.

What’s on your dream rider? 

Coffee, Tim-tams and some hot chips, we suppose? We’ve never  thought much beyond our time on the stage.

Dream music collaboration? 

Ben: I would love to work with Ashe, I absolutely love her style and  everything she writes!

Jeremy: Tori Kelly because have you heard her voice?!

Listen to ‘Dollar At The Heart’ by The Beamish Brothers:

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

Ben: Probably doing the same or similar stuff to what we’re doing now:  songwriting, producing, performing and sharing our thoughts and  emotions through music with our fans, but with any luck at a larger  scale.

Jeremy: What Ben said but maybe while also living in a cottage in The  Netherlands countryside. I hope my future involves cycling into the studio every day to make new tunes and engaging with a supportive  community.

What’s your go-to karaoke song? 

Ben: Easily Brittney Spears’ “Baby One More Time!” What a banger!

Jeremy: Love On Top by Beyoncé is a staple for me.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

Ben: When we were in an Uber in Nashville on the way back to our hostel,  after just having come out of a meeting with a producer, the driver gave us a great piece of advice. He said “99% of the time, no one is going to  know what is best for you, more than you.” To this day it’s one of the  most accurate things we’ve heard and since then we’ve learned to really  trust our gut instinct a lot more.

What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after  listening to your music? 

Jeremy: Urban planning – it’s my 2nd love after music. Very nerdy I know, but I  obsessively think about ways cities can be better, cleaner, safer, more  accessible and more beautiful. That’s why I want to move to the Netherlands. They’re leading the way.

Ben: Night time walks while listening to music is a big vibe for me.

Check out: ‘Send In The Clowns’:

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