It’s been a long time coming, but Adelaide’s Mackenzie have finally shared their long-awaited new single by way of the stellar ‘Magnet’.

Cast your mind back to the middle of 2015 for a second, and there’s a chance you’d recall a far simpler time in which we foolishly believed a few things, including that Tame Impala couldn’t improve upon the majesty of Lonerism, and that 2020 was likely set to be a joyous year of prosperity.

But it was in those heady days of 2015 that Adelaide’s Mackenzie was born, with the indie-pop quartet fronted by Emily Bettison, and backed by a talented group of musicians. Before long, they’d released an EP, won some band competitions, earned some money, and brought their show to big stages.

Unfortunately, the following years weren’t quite as fruitful, with Mackenzie simply noting that “life happened” afterwards, leading to membership changes, new songs being written, recorded, re-written, and promptly re-recorded. Now, years down the line, Mackenzie are back with a new single, sharing the electrifying ‘Magnet’ today.

Much like the early days of the project, ‘Magnet’ showcases the original stylings of the band, albeit with new electronic elements which serve up dense, vocal-driven pop as it explores themes of confidence and strength. Smooth and slick and presented with a level of the aforementioned confidence that most artists would dream of possessing, there’s a good chance that ‘Magnet’ could very quickly become one of your favourite tracks.

While it currently remains unclear when Mackenzie will be releasing further music, an upcoming string of releases are described as being “unapologetically explosive”, and are undoubtedly to be as mesmerisingly compelling as ‘Magnet’ is. If you’re liking the sound of this, be sure to check out the new single below, and to follow Mackenzie on socials for further updates.

Mackenzie’s “Magnet” is out now.

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