In news that will most likely make you lose your appetite for a while, it has been confirmed that somebody shat themselves at a Turnstile gig in California.

As reported by NMEthe faecal-related incident was confirmed by the band, Show Me The Body, who opened up for Turnstile on the night.

The claim was further backed up by punters who attended the show that evening, with some even going as far as to say that the human faeces ended up with the band on stage.

Joel Cupcake, a promoter for the show took to Twitter to comment on the matter, admitting that while it may be super “hilarious” to some, it’s actually also extremely “disgusting” and “unsafe”.

He wrote, “ATTN 40831: I cant believe this but yes human shit ended up on stage last night during Turnstile.”

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“As hilarious as this is it’s also disgusting & EXTREMELY unsafe,” he continued. “Plz if you have any idea of who it was, plz let me know as that person should not be allowed at shows ever again.”

As of this moment, the person behind this unfortunate wrongdoing has not yet been identified.

It comes as no surprise that everyone is poking fun at the anonymous “mosh shit” culprit, however there are those Turnstile fans who have come to their defence – in the case it wasn’t just a horrible prank and it was due to not being able to get to a toilet.

One fan tweeted, “I pissed my pants at riot fest one year because everyone was doing drugs in the portapotty not letting me piss so I sympathize with whoever shit themselves at the turnstile gig.”

For more on this topic, follow the Classic Rock Observer.

Check out footage from the Turnstile gig:

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