Following a sell-out tour of the country last year, Bernard Fanning and Paul Dempsey’s new joint project Fanning Dempsey National Park have announced a string of regional shows this year.

Kicking off at Byron Bay in support of the Great Southern Nights event on Thursday, April 3rd, the powerhouse rock duo will take ‘The Deluge Regional Tour’ through Cairns, Hobart, Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Newcastle, Thirroul, Canberra, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast in May.

To celebrate the tour announce, Fanning Dempsey National Park have also announced the release of new single, “Blackstar”, a bonus track not included on the debut album released last year. You can check out the new single below.

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“‘Blackstar’ went through a full cycle of styles before arriving fully formed,  as a minimalist pop rock tune,” Fanning said of the new tune.

“Sometimes when putting an album together you can deceive yourself into adding more ‘stuff’ to a song to make it sound different. Often, leaving that ‘stuff’ out is the key to making it work… just let the song be itself, as written, and step away from it. I think we only did a couple of takes of this one.”


Presented by Village Sounds, Secret Sounds Artist MGMT & Winterman & Goldstein Present

Tickets on sale 10am local time, Thursday, January 23rd.

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Thursday, April 3rd

Beach Hotel, Byron Bay

Thursday, May 1st

Tank Arts Centre, Cairns

Thursday, May 8th

Odeon Theatre, Hobart

Friday, May 9th

Costa Hall, Geelong

Saturday, May 10th

Civic Hall, Ballarat

Sunday, May 11th

Ulumburra Theatre, Bendigo

Friday, May 16th

Civic Theatre, Newcastle

Saturday, May 17th

Anita’s Theatre, Thirroul

Sunday, May 18th

Theatre Centre, Canberra

Thursday, May 22nd

Powerhouse, Toowoomba

Friday, May 23rd

Venue 114, Sunshine Coast

Saturday, May 24th

HOTA, Gold Coast

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