There’s probably a joke to be made in saying that this guy thinks his shit doesn’t stink so there would be an ideal synergy in his casting in the ad but we’ll leave it there. The Strokes’ front man has popped up in a French television commercial plugging perfume.
The ad, for the Paris based perfume label Azzaro’s ‘Decidebl’ (geddit???) fragrance, sees Casablancas performing to the camera in a close up shot, no doubt grimacing inside and thinking ‘one day, I’ll be wasting no more time … when I get my massive paycheck from these guys’.
Is it selling out? In this day and age, who knows – although considering the pretty disappointing sales of The Strokes’ last few albums he may well need the money more than ever, but hey, at least he’ll come out of it literally smelling of roses.
Check out our slideshow of the Biggest Sell Outs In Music
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