With his new album, Miami Memory, out this week, Alex Cameron explores new-found parenting on his new single.

Listening back through Alex Cameron’s recent releases, it’s clear to see that the Sydney muso has taken a helluva creative journey to get to this point where his third solo album is primed and ready to embrace a new personal and musical chapter.

From the failed-artist persona we saw on 2013’s Jumping The Shark album, through to the fleshed out sounds of 2017’s Forced Witness record, Cameron has been constantly reworking and rejuvenating his musical output and the results have varied from inspired to wickedly self-aware and entertaining.

Now, with Miami Memory, the songwriter gets more introspective than perhaps we’ve seen him before, focusing his new music on life with his partner, Girls actress Jemima Kirke.

His latest single, ‘Stepdad’, is the latest from Cameron and delves into their family dynamic.

Listen to ‘Stepdad’ by Alex Cameron:

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“‘Stepdad’ is an anthem for anybody that’s ever been a stepparent.” Cameron has said. “For anybody that’s welcomed a third parent into their lives and for anyone who understands romance in the 21st century.”

Kirke has held prominent presence in Cameron’s work, appearing in music videos for ‘Miami Memory’, ‘Stranger’s Kiss’ and ‘Studmuffin69’, the latter of which she also directed.

Cameron has a stack of international touring to get into this month but for all of us who can’t be out at the shows, he’s announced Alcamathon 2.0 for September 12th. You might remember the first Alcamathon last year, where Cameron and saxophonist Roy Molloy streamed a telethon of sorts, where they ‘tried to save the music industry. Alcamathon 2.0 will be able to be streamed via Cameron’s YouTube channel here.

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