Alli Simpson has shared that her life has “taken a big turn in the blink of an eye” after breaking her neck on New Years Eve. The Australian singer says she was rushed to the emergency room for her injuries, where she was met with further shocking health news as she returned a positive COVID test.

The Masked Singer contestant announced on Instagram that incurred the injury when she dived into the shallow end of a pool.

“Long story short — I dove into a shallow pool head first & hit my head on the bottom.. on New Year’s Eve I got X-rays/CT Scans & an MRI to find I have 2 severe fractures in my neck (C6 & T1) 😖 I was sent straight to hospital in an ambulance to be assessed by a neurosurgeon⁣,” she explained on Instagram.
Thankfully, Simpson said that surgery wasn’t required, and that her injury narrowly missed her spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries are very commonly linked to paralyzation.

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“The outcome – no immediate surgery was required & I have been sent home in a hard neck brace that I’ll be living in 24/7 for the next 4 months as my neck hopefully heals itself.. 🙏🏼🌟 I am extremely lucky to be alive and/or not quadriplegic as it JUST missed my spinal chord [sic]..” the Australian singer wrote.⁣

Simpson’s explanation of her injuries sounds as though the doctors expect her to make a full recovery.

“The way I see it, four months is a drop in the ocean when it comes to the rest of my happy & healthy life.. as you can imagine, I have been in endless tears and thanking every guardian angel watching over me in the pool that night plus every moment since ❤️💋⁣,” the 23 year old wrote.

Cody Simpson’s little sister did mention that her year was “not off to a great start” with “a broken neck (plus a positive covid test)” but she seemingly remained in good spirits, thankful that the injury wasn’t worse.

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“To say the least – I have a new lease on life & will be forever grateful that it was not worse!!⁣”

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Watch Alli Simpson perform ‘I Won’t Remember You Tomorrow’ with her brother Cody Simpson:

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