Just as this morning arrived news of Bloc Party frontman Kele and Sydney’s Hermitude headlining a new music festival taking place on the snowy slopes of Thredbo, along comes news that yet another Aussie event being postponed while they sort out their infrastructure.
Following the news that Canberra’s Foreshore would be going “on hiatus” for 2013, the launch of the first ever Sydney Folk Festival will have to wait until 2014 after shuffles in promoters behind the scenes have delayed the event’s originally announced launch date of September this year, reports The Music.
The postponement was prompted by Footstomp Music’s Graham Ashton recently joining the Sydney Folk Festival team, acting as a program consultant to promoters Big Bear Entertainment – who are the organisers behind Brisbane punk and rock festival, Live It Up – which had its inaugural edition this past April.
Big Bear Entertainment’s Zanda Strofield explains that the planning process that brought Ashton on board, “also meant that we have changed the timing of some of our upcoming schedule to accommodate some new projects… The Sydney Folk Festival is now part of our 2014 slate and we’re confident that the new team will create an incredibly memorable event,” he says. “The Sydney Folk Festival is now part of our 2014 slate and we’re confident that the new team will create an incredibly memorable event.” – Zanda Strofield, Promoter
Ashton’s appointment with Big Bear Entertainment follows the recent BIGSOUND announcements in his role as Executive Programmer for the Brisbane-based music industry conference, which is typically held in September each year, the same the Sydney Folk Festival was set to kick-off.
“We have committed at various levels to events for 2014 and going forward, having [Ashton] on board is an exiting next step for Big Bear,” said Strofield of their new program consultant, who was worked with the likes of Thlema Plum, Busby Marou, and The Medics in the last 12 months.
“The knowledge and experience he brings is only going to enhance the ticket buyers’ experience so I am looking forward to working with him here in on our events in Australia and in the US and Canada to follow up on huge interest in what we are planning for next year,” he added.
“I have watched Zanda operate through his experience as promoter for Red Deer and Live It Up,” says Ashton of his new working partner. “He is a fearless straight shooter with an unconventional approach to the festival game. Teaming up with someone with attributes appeals to be me greatly.”