Just because states and territories around Australia are starting to see COVID-19 restrictions lifting, don’t think we’re entirely good to go, as Labor leader Anthony Albanese has shared an Aussie filled alt-rock playlist reminding us that we still need to think smart, and take our health into account.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese is no stranger to the music world. He’s been seen quoting Billy Bragg, he made a killer mixtape for all of us for Record Store Day, and has even given Aussie rockers Polish Club a spin.

Now, he’s back at it again, and using his love for music to teach us a thing or two about staying safe during this current global pandemic. Taking to Facebook, Albanese wrote a simple, “Happy Sunday” message before revealing his top picks for May 2020.

Featuring nothing but songs that are akin to the current social distancing lives we’ve been living, he revealed a playlist of 18 tunes, with eight being homegrown tunes from Australia, themselves.

Topping the list, the first song on his must-have playlist for May is none other than the fitting ‘Fever’ by Peggy Lee. Then, shortly afterwards the first Australian banger pops in by singer-songwriter Courtney Barnett with ‘Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go To The Party’.

The next track reminds us that while we’re missing our friends, some might not even want to see us with The Angels ‘Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again’ resonating loud and clear with it’s follow up shout of “no way / get fucked / fuck off”.

With so many other goodies like Polish Club’s ‘Clarity’ and The Fauves ‘Dogs Are The Best People’, if you’re feeling the need to vibe to some songs that radiate the current mood of the country, then give Labor leader Anthony Albanese’s playlist a listen.

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