The recently released documentary, Stockholm Syndrome depicts the assault trial that A$AP Rocky found himself in back in 2019.

The film which just premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival sheds light onto the trial in many regards, while revealing how former U.S president Donald Trump influenced the outcomes, sending the case from a national trial to a trajectory of international regard.

Rocky said in the documentary, “I’m sleeping in my halfway dream,” he says in the film. “I heard my name. I kind of opened my eyes and closed my eyes again and then they said my name again. And I opened my eyes and I’m like, ‘Yo, what the fuck?’”

Trump says in the documentary, “Many, many members of the African American community have called me — friends of mine — and said, ‘Could you help?’ So I personally don’t know A$AP Rocky but I can tell you that he has tremendous support from the African American community in this country… I have been called by so many people asking me to help ASAP Rocky.”

According to Complex, former husband and wife Kim Kardashian and Kanye West notified Trump of the situation. But Rocky was worried that Trump would “was going to fuck it up.”

At the end of the film, Rocky reveals that he feels like Trump actually made the situation worse, more than actually doing it any justice. He said, “It was a chess move and they tried to strong arm a lot. In reality, I had no problem saying thank you to the man, especially if he helped me. That’s the narrative they pushin’: That he got me out. And he didn’t free me. If anything, he made it a little worse.”

A$AP Rocky, was jailed following a physical dispute outside a burger joint on June 30. He was arrested alongside friends David Rispers and Bladimir Corniel for the alleged assault of 19-year-old Mustafa Jafari. It was claimed that Mustafa Jafari was mistreating a woman on the streets, which caused the altercation to begin.

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