Azealia Banks chimed in on author, political commentator and pro-Trumper, Candace Owens thoughts on Juneteenth.

Owens took to Twitter to write, “Juneteenth is soooo lame. Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation. I’ll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only. I’m American.”

Many of Owens followers responded in confusion, asking her what is wrong with celebrating Juneteenth. Among the many who took aim at Owens for her opinion, was Azealia Banks.

Banks responded, “According to this logic, on July 4, 1776, you would still be enslaved. Most likely on the verge of starvation due to all of America’s food supply having been prioritized for the war, while you hand sew American flags and struggle to wet nurse some depressed 24-year-old white widow’s sickly child until your nipples are chapped and dry.”

“Whereafter, you will be whipped by her 80-year-old uncle for your own malnourishment and inability to produce milk, then sent to toil over a wood-burning stove — blistering your hands while [being] forced to make a peasantly meal of biscuits and gravy.”

The lengthy and particularly vivid post shared by Banks has now been deleted from Instagram, as reported by Complex.

Naturally, Banks response too would receive its fair share of attention, but probably not the kind of validation she may have expected to receive. One user commented on her statement to Owens, saying that they had hoped “for some truely intellectual argument.”

“Azealia didn’t shut down Candice Owens,” they continued, “but showed her own ignorance by using vulgar descriptions of slavery.”

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Earlier this year, Owens beefed with Cardi B over her performance of ‘WAP’ at the Grammys. On a Fox News segment, she said. “You see that fundamentally we are seeing the destruction of American values and American principles.”

“And it’s terrifying!” she continued. “I think people parents should be terrified that this is the direction that our society is heading towards.” She continued, “And again, we are weakening America… that’s really what we should be talking about, this is a weakening of American society.”

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