US rapper B.o.B., best known to musicians for his 2010 it ‘Airplanes’, and best known to Internet commenters for his beliefs that the Earth is flat, did a Reddit AMA yesterday to promote his new album. As anyone who has used the Internet for more than 20 second could tell you, it didn’t go well.
Jumping onto Reddit’s ‘Hip-Hop Heads’ subreddit to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) yesterday, B.o.B. was all set to answer questions about his new album Ether. Within minutes, users were piling on to ask him questions about his infamous beliefs that the Earth is flat. However, instead of taking the bait and arguing with these commenters, B.o.B. just got… strange.
While reasonable questions of “When a ship is coming to shore, how come you can see the top of the ship before you see the bottom,” were met with responses like “that’s entirely speculation,” similar questions yielded similar responses.
Soon enough, fans realised that he wasn’t taking the bait, so they tried steering the questions into a direction that was a little more becoming of a typical AMA session on Reddit. These fans soon discovered that wasn’t going to work either.
While some questions were rather deep and meaningful, including questions about his regrets, his favourite artists, and his favourite collaborations, his responses were shallow, joking, and untruthful. While we’d like to think this whole thing was satire, orchestrated to give a light-hearted view of the musician instead of his well-publicised ‘flat Earth’ beliefs, we sadly believe this whole thing may have actually been legit.
Check out the whole AMA here, and while you’re at it, check out B.o.B.’s ‘flat Earth’ song below.