A former member of Beyoncé‘s touring band has filed for a civil harassment restraining order against the singer. Kimberley Thompson alleges that Bey is practicing “extreme witchcraft” and “magic spells of sexual molestation” to harass her, reported The Blast. She also claims that Bey “murdered her her pet kitten.”

The drummer alleges that her former boss has been using spells and witchcraft to control her finances and run surveillance via phone tapping.

Thompson’s request for the restraining order was denied by a Los Angeles court judge, according to Pitchfork. There is currently a hearing scheduled for October 11th.

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It’s not the first time Beyoncé has been accused of something occult-related. Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that herself and husband JAY-Z are members of the Illuminati/New World Order. It’s an interesting accusation, and yet to be proven true (or false).

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