Who invented the pineapple pizza? Which Aussie venue is a “bogan den”? And what’s the scariest thing that’s happened in the tour van? All fine questions, asked and answered by two of our fave Aussie bands as they prepare to launch into a tour together.
With Bleeding Knees Club back on the road for their first tour in quite a while, we thought we’d check in with the lads and see how things have been tracking since the release of their latest EP, Chew The Gum. When we realised they were taking Wollongong upstarts The Pinheads on the road with them, we thought hey – let’s kill two birds with one stone and see how they’re going with the release of their own debut album, Second Coming.
In the end we just left them to their own devices, and next thing you know they’ve interviewed each other. With most of the questions dealing more with thoughts on Spongebob and pizza rather than music, we’re already taking notes on our interview technique – including a nice twist on the old ‘where did you get your name from?’ fallback.
Check out each of the band’s interviews below, along with dates for the tour, and be sure to give The Pinheads’ killer debut record a spin, out now through Farmer & the Owl.

The Pinheads interview Bleeding Knees Club
Who made your Facebook tour promo vid? It’s skitz, so tell me more please?
Adam Sandler directed it. It’s probably his best movie since Happy Gilmore. Also, I met the singer from Nickelback, and he appeared in it for $100 and a pair of cowboy boots.
I heard Chew The Gum on the radio. Is there another EP or album on the way? When’s that comin’ out?
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Yeah we just did an EP… it’s out now on the internet. And currently working on our next album.
The Shark Bar is a trap. You lose your mind in that bogan den.
Who’s your favorite Pinhead? And why?
I reckon Patrick from Spongebob is my favourite Pinhead. He has a pretty pin-shaped head. Lives under a rock too, which is pretty mad. I wish I had a friend like Patrick.
Do you guys eat pizza? Is pineapple acceptable on pizza where you’re from? I think most of the other Pinnies like it on their cheese disc, but apparently a lot of people don’t …
I’ve eaten a pizza once. I’m not really into mixing fruit with my savoury meals, like mango on chicken is fucked. But I’m not against the pineapple pizza. It’s weird that you all like it. I want to meet the first guy who put pineapple on a pizza. I bet he was a nutcase.
Last time I think I saw you, Alex, was when we played at Miami Shark Bar (which we are playing on this tour) with Skegss and Wash. That was a pretty sinful night. Do you think this will be repeated?
Yeah that was a real good night. I reckon it’s impossible to not repeat it. The Shark Bar is a trap. You lose your mind in that bogan den.

Bleeding Knees Club interview The Pinheads
Did you get your band name from The Pinheads band in Back To The Future? If not, or if so… where would you go back in time to, and what would you do?
I think we mainly thought the name suited us pretty well, all having very small heads, and the fact it was from BTTF was a plus because the trilogy is amazing. The name mainly came because every time someone lost a game of bowling every week they had to have the name ‘pini’ the next week- everyone was ‘pini’ at some point, but we can all become peaky.
It would be cool to go back in time to see dinosaurs roaming; also, if you could transport to an actual PLACE and time to go to famous UFO encounter sites and see what really happened.
…she wasn’t hurt or anything, but kind of spoke as if she was an alien still learning how to be a human.
I’m guessing you dudes tour in a van ’cause you have 1000 members. What’s the weirdest thing that’s happened in the van?
There’s a coupla things – once we had to push a car out of a ditch that a lady had crashed in the middle of nowhere, and she was pretty unresponsive. Like, she wasn’t hurt or anything, but kind of spoke as if she was an alien still learning how to be a human.
We’ve had a couple microsleep scares, a lot of wee wees in different vessels and some vomits. Honestly, we mostly just listen to alien/UFO/mystery/folklore podcasts and drink service station coffees.
Have you ever seen this guy who was nicknamed ‘Pinhead’? Whatcha think about him?
Yeah, Schlitzie, the famous sideshow performer and actor in ‘Freaks’. Apparently he loved dancing, singing and performing for people, and he sounds like he was a real cool guy.
stuff usually gets broken, but it’s almost always by accident and it kinda sucks, ’cause we always have to buy new gear
I’ve seen Jezz play with his shirt off a bit. Sometimes naked. He’s pretty ripped. What’s your diet like? How do you stay in shape? Are you vegan?
On tour we live off the yellow diet, it’s the only way. Any food that’s yellowish in colour is part of the diet – Jez mostly eats KFC doubles when they’re around, and if they aren’t in season he orders the deconstructed double – really need the power food to put on a good show.
And yeah, some members are vego but that doesn’t really matter because a lot of non-meat products are also yellow in colour once deep-fried.
Have you seen that video of the Butthole Surfers at Lollapalooza, firing a shotgun at the crowd? If not, you should… it kinda reminds me of your live show. What are some of the weirdest/best things you’ve done at a show?
Just watched it, pretty skits. I hope no one ever brings a gun to a pinis show- or any show really. Jez bit someone once who was being annoying, so we got banned from that venue. Jimbo’s put his head through his snare a couple times. Jez accidentally jumped off stage at Yours and Owls festival and landed on a photographer’s head/camera, which knocked him (the photographer) out.
Crowds at our shows usually go more primal squeal than us and stuff usually gets broken, but it’s almost always by accident and it kinda sucks, ’cause we always have to buy new gear – but you can’t stop people from expressing themselves, and we love the people that love our music and shows.
Bleeding Knees Club tour dates
Fri 12th May – ADELAIDE – Rocket Bar
Supported by Goon Wizarrd and The Yardsharks
Tickets available via Moshtix
Sat 13th May – HOBART – Waratah Hotel
Supported by Skate Wounds and Hudson Cartel
Tickets available via Oztix
Fri 19th May – SYDNEY – Hudson Ballroom
Supported by The Pinheads and White Blanks
Tickets available via Moshtix
Sat 20th May – MELBOURNE – Northcote Social Club
Supported by The Pinheads and TV Dinners
Tickets available via Eventbrite
Fri 26th May – GOLD COAST – Shark Bar
Supported by The Pinheads and Voiid
Tickets available via Moshtix
Sat 27th May – BRISBANE – The Foundry
Supported by The Pinheads and Voiid
Tickets available via Oztix
Fri 2nd June – MANDURAH – Brighton Hotel
Supported by Verge Collection and Good Doogs
Tickets available via Doorstop