Rising indie-pop artist Brayden Sibbald is set to make 2020 his year, recently releasing the new single ‘Sparse’, from his forthcoming EP.

While the name Brayden Sibbald might be somewhat new to the majority of music-lovers, his powerful voice and stunning compositions have been a favourite of many for some time, with a handful of his gorgeous tracks receiving airplay on triple j over the years.

Now, the Dunsborough musician has released one of his most exciting tunes yet, with ‘Sparse’ being officially released earlier today. A masterful mixture of storytelling and emotive instrumentation, Sibbald explains that the track was influenced by the majesty of the Nordic area.

“I wrote an early version of Sparse on a trip to Iceland in early 2019, where I instantly fell in love with, and was heavily inspired to write by, the sweeping, epic, empty landscapes,” he explains.

“It’s a track about feeling like there is nothing going for you but then everything falls into place. We ended up keeping a lot of the parts from the demo I did at home in the final version.”

‘Sparse’ is just the latest track released by the young muso, and is set to feature on his upcoming EP, which is on track to be released on Friday, June 12th.

“This collection of songs were written when I came to the realisation that I’m the only one that can change things for myself – I can make it better or worse,” Sibbald explained.

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“You can’t control what is going on around you – to a certain extent – but you can control how you react to certain situations. It sounds like standard advice everyone knows, but it was kind of a big moment for me.”

If you’re liking the sound of what you’re hearing, you can check out ‘Sparse’ on streaming services now, and be sure to follow Sibbald’s social channels for more info on his forthcoming EP.

Check out ‘Sparse’ by Brayden Sibbald:

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