Falls Festival has canceled the Lorne leg due to “extreme fire risk.”

The festival, which kicked off yesterday, has asked 9,000 punters to pack up and leave, due to weather conditions that posed “a risk to health and safety due to potential fires, smoke, severe winds, and tree hazards.”

“We are guttered to make this call but the safety of our patrons, artists, and staff is our main priority”, said Jessica Ducrou, festival director, in a statement.

“After consultation with local and regional fire authorities and other emergency stakeholders, it is clear that we have no other option.”

Organizers also stated that the weather conditions, which are predicted to worsen, were unprecedented before this morning.

The BOM is predicting heat in excess of 40 degrees for the region over the next few days, with the heat in the festival site rated as ‘extreme.’

Food and medical facilities will remain open today, but the bars and music stages will be closed.

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“Do not look to camp in the Otaways or any forested area, as the fire risk is extreme and there are forecast wind gusts of 90-100kph with possible lightening” the statement continued.

All patrons are entitled to full refunds and all other dates of the festival remain unaffected.

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