Millennials often cop a handful for their obsession with social media, however, baby boomers can be just as pedantic when it comes to their online presence.
Rock’s reigning guitar hero/grandpa Brian May has gone completely ‘old man yells at cloud’, lashing out at a random woman named ‘Barbara’ who had his Instagram account temporarily suspended.
Barbara reported one of May’s photos he forgot to credit, eventuating in May receiving a notification for copyright violation. Unafraid to hold back, he took to Instagram to re-post the notification, publicly naming and shaming Barb.
“What an incredibly unfriendly act from you, Barbara! So, rather than write to me and say, ‘Dear Brian – you seem to have forgotten to credit me on this picture’, this person – Barbara Kremer is her name – reported me to Instagram and they not only took the picture down but disabled my whole account until I’d dealt with the issue – which took about 45 minutes of my time that I could not afford because the link refused to work on my phone”
This is how the man responsible for Bohemian Rhapsody deals with minor inconveniences…
Fans have taken to the comments to showcase their disdain for the way May has treated the situation. “Yes, poor judgement from her side. But I think you should know better than to hang and shame a regular woman, way below you in society, possibly exposing her for harassment or even death threats.” Preach.
If you’ve never sussed Brian May’s Insta account, it’s a conglomerate of immaculate selfies and Valencia filtered landscape shots, quite similar to they way your parents probably used it on their European holiday.
We really just feel sorry for poor Barbara in this situation. #justiceforBarb.
Check out the details for the upcoming Freddie Mercury documentary starring Rami Malek.