Yesterday the news that Jamie Spears, Britney Spears’ father would remain on her conservatorship sent many into a state of confusion at the world.

In the court documents filed yesterday, Judge Brenda Penny denied Britney Spears’ request to remove her father from the conservatorship.

(Britney) Spears’ lawyer, Samuel D. Ingham, filed to have (Jamie) Spears removed in November 2020, saying that Britney was “afraid of her father.” Ingham also recently filed documents for Bessemer Trust to be made co-conservator.

Now the next update in the story sees, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Burgess Owens (Utah) and Andy Biggs (Az.) personally invite Spears to speak in front of Congress, after he had sent a letter to Spears regarding their “deep concern” for her situation and that want to be able to help her, as reported by Billboard.

They wrote in the letter, “The United States Congress should hear your story and be inspired to bipartisan action. What happened to you should never happen to any other American.”

“You story is so powerful, and the admiration of your achievements so great, you (and perhaps only you) can blow that door wide open, giving hope to millions. Your life, liberty, and happiness have been taken from you. Please take advantage of the empowerment that public congressional testimony can unlock.”

(Jamie) Spears also recently requested an investigation into (Britney) Spears’ claim of abuse from her father which stemmed from an extreme level of control over every facet of her life.

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In response, his lawyer issued a statement saying, “It is critical that the Court confirm whether or not Ms. Spears’ testimony was accurate in order to determine what corrective actions, if any, need to be taken.”

“It is also imperative for the proper functioning of conservatorship proceedings before this Court that all parties be provided a full and fair opportunity to respond to allegations and claims asserted against them.”

“The documents opposed claims that Jamie Spears had complete control over his daughter’s life, specifying that since 2019, Ms. Spears has been under the care of Jodi Montgomery. According to his lawyers, the calls for an inquiry stem from a place of concern.

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