What were your food influences when you were growing up and what kind of food did you eat at home or with your family?
Usually meat and three veg. Occasionally Mum or Dad would lash out and cook something “fancy”, but with a success rate of only 39%, it was nothing to look forward to. When they did succeed, they would cook the same thing for about 8 months until we could no longer stand the smell of it. This however inspired me to cook.
What dish or cuisine do you most like to eat on tour and why?
When we can, totally depending on where we are, we like to go to Vietnamese restaurants for their Pho. It’s a beef/chicken noodle soup. Very tasty. Very cheap. And probably full of MSG. But we are addicted.
What type of food do you hate, and what is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten?
Hmmmmm. This is a tricky one, as I’ll eat pretty much anything. Recently though, I was given a selection of homemade fudge. One of the flavours was Lavender. It tasted like soap. Not pleasant at all.
What type of food do you make sure to avoid before a gig or going on stage?
Spicy curries! And of course I learnt the hard way. It was before an important show too. All I remember was trying not to burp into the microphone whilst singing, and that the microphone smelt of beef vindaloo.
Imagine for a second you can request anything on your rider at a gig. What food do you put on it?
Well, in true tradition… Pho. Also, a nice selection of sushi. Followed by chocolate mousse. At which point we’d probably have to cancel the show due to over indulging. Luckily, we don’t always get what we want.
What has been your biggest cooking disaster to date?
It would have been at my 17th birthday party. At the end of the night, when everyone was well drunk and we had run out of alcohol, I came up with a brilliant plan to cook an industrial sized vat of soup. It included everything that was in our fridge and cupboard at the time. It may have also contained candle wax. It was disgusting. We still ate it.
When you tour overseas, what food from home do you miss the most?
Well, personally, I haven’t travelled all that much, so I am yet to experience what it’s like. I have been told that as soon as you can’t buy vegemite anywhere, you crave it. I’m doing a round the world trip later this year, so we’ll see.
This is your last day on earth, what is your final meal?
Pho, pho-sure!