A shitposter hacked a ton of celeb YouTube accounts – including Harry Styles and The Weeknd – last night. It went as well as you’d expect.

If you were lurking around on YouTube in the wee hours of the night trying to fend off sleep, you were in for a surprise. Turns out, a bunch of celebrity YouTube accounts were hacked by a Spanish shitposting account, that went on to post bizarre videos.

Among the celebrities hacked were Harry Styles, The Weeknd, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Drake, Travis Scott, and Micheal Jackson so far.

A Twitter account by the name of @lospelaosbro claimed responsibility for the hacks. In a series of tweets, the user also asked for suggestions on who to hack next. The user also posted photos of Spanish criminal Paco Sanz, also posting a video of him on various celeb accounts.

@lospelaosbro posted a video starring Sanz on Justin Bieber’s channel, titled ‘Justin bieber – Free Paco Sanz (ft. Will Smith, Chris Rock, Skinny flex & Los Pelaos)’. The video features Sanz holding a guitar and singing in Spanish, set against some overlaid beats. The video was up on the channel for almost an hour before being taken down.

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Another video on Harry Styles’ account featured some people wearing hoodies and dancing to a rendition of ‘Hit The Road Jack.’


As reported by MailOnline, an expert suggested that the hackers were able to gain access to multiple accounts at once because they could have been using the same third-party service to manager their social media.

“Even with multi factor authentication on, many high profile social media accounts are in fact looked after by a third party company and such accounts, once verified, may not always require log in details each time on the enabled device.” expert Jake Moore told the publication.

Although, while the celebrity teams were in shambles, it seems that the fans themselves were having a right ol’ laugh.

Harry Styles’ fans, for example, went along splendidly, even critiquing the hacked video.

“I mean it’s not what I expected his next single to sound like, but it has a similar vibe to ‘Fine Line’, the song. So full of meaning and emotion. I really like it!” said one fan.

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