It’s been an intense couple of weeks here in Australia, with the devastating fires, powerful rallies and chaotic effects of climate change all culminating into one all-around miserable time.

You’d be justified in saying that it’s an all-around depressive state to be in, with hopelessness filling the smoky air as things seem to get worse instead of better, and our leaders abandon us in the times we need them the most.

Music can’t do much in the way of changing the course we’re headed towards, but it can definitely evoke a feeling of hopefulness within us in these trying times.

So let’s all band together to fight this, because strength in numbers is what it’s all about. Climate change anxiety is slowly starting to impact us all, and so here are ten songs that provide a sense of hope for the future, instead of a sense of more intense dread.

1. Hey World (Don’t Give Up) by Michael Franti

Released in 2008, this song is an ode to the power of strength and resilience in trying times. Something that is still very much applicable in 2020.

2. Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey

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Faith is the most powerful tool we can have at these times. Together we can fight this, so don’t stop believing.

3. ‘You Gotta Be’ by Des’Ree

Truly nothing is more hopeful and positive than ‘You Gotta Be’, which is perfect for starting your day in this brand new decade.

4. ‘Walking On Sunshine’ by Katrina & The Waves

This song just oozes pure bliss.

5. Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles

This song can make even the darkest days seem bright and hopeful.

6. What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

Despite all the horrible things going on at the moment, there’s still power in believing in the wonder that the world has to offer.

7. Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel

No words needed really. This song is just so powerful in all kinds of ways.

8. One Love – Bob Marley

God, I love this song. The perfect song of hope for the world.

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