Courtney Love’s Twitter fixation has seen her end up in court. She’s being sued for defamation by fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir in perhaps what is the first celebrity Twitter lawsuit. Back in March 2009, Love spat the dummy in a dispute they were in over Love’s unpaid clothes bill and took to Twitter to vent her spleen.
She alleged that Simorangkir was drug peddling hooker with a history of assault and battery who lost custody of her own child and had tried to capitalise on Love’s fame before screwing her over. “She has received a VAST amount of money from me over 40,000 dollars and I do not make people famous and get raped TOO!” Love wrote.
In the landmark trial which is set to begin in Los Angeles in February, Simorangkir’s lawyers will argue that Love’s Twitter remarks and others she followed up with on various social media platforms, destroyed their client’s reputation and business. Love’s lawyers will be arguing that Twitter updates are comments and opinion, not fact.
If that doesn’t work out they may go down the path of arguing that Love’s addiction to Twitter meant that she was insane at the time of posting the updates. Courtney Love insane? It might just work – no one can argue with that.