If you’ve ever been looking for a music festival that the whole family can enjoy, then you need not look any further than Dashville Skyline. Featuring a diverse mix of artists, Dashville Skyline is all about celebrating Americana music, bringing forth one of the best weekends of blues, roots, and folk music that you could ever for. Now, just in case you were wondering about heading to this year’s event, the festival has just announced another round of awesome acts to join the bill.
With Dashville Skyline 2017 announcing their first round of acts last month, including Mark Olsen (of the Jayhawks fame) & Ingunn Ringvold, Cash Savage & The Last Drinks, Immigrant Union, and Emma Russack, you could be forgiven for thinking the festival couldn’t get any bigger.
Now, with their second announcement, brilliant artists such as Tennessee’s own Valerie June, Australia’s Oh Mercy, and Ireland’s Declan O’Rourke have been added to the bill; a truly international affair. Other acts to be announced include Sydney’s Fallon Crush, Brisbane’s Paddy McHugh, and Melbourne’s Georgia State Line.
If you’re keen on a day of good times, good vibes, and most importantly, good music, then make sure you find yourself heading along to Dashville Skyline 2017 in the Hunter Valley at the end of September for a weekend to remember.
Check out the full lineup below, and check out ‘Shakedown’, from Valerie June, who leads this second announcement.

Dashville Skyline 2017 Lineup
Oh Mercy
Valerie June (US)
Cash Savage and the Last Drinks
William Crighton
Immigrant Union
The Teskey Brothers
Declan O’Rourke (Ire)
Mark Olson (US) & Ingunn Ringvold (No)
Tim Easton (US)
The Roamin’ Jasmine (US)
Claire Anne Taylor
Pony Face
Lachlan Bryan and the Wildes
Emma Russack
Mel Parsons (NZ)
Lucie Thorne
Matt Walker
Magpie Diaries
Songs from Dan (NL)
Fallon Cush
Lyle Dennis Express
Nicholas Connors
Demi Mitchell
Paddy McHugh
Georgia State Line
Jen Mize
Ben Leece
Dashville Progress Society
Dashville Skyline 2017
September 29th, to October 1st
Belford, Hunter Valley, NSW
Tickets and more information: Dashville Skyline Website