As we know, Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins were recently in Sydney to swap instruments and play old rock covers on Oxford Street, and possibly for other reasons we aren’t privy to. While here, they did a radio interview with New Zealand station The Rock FM, where they spoke about the recent spate of suicides in the rock community.
“When it comes to someone like Chris Cornell or Chester, you know—depression is a disease,” Grohl said.
“Everybody kind of goes through it their own way. The hardest part is when you lose a friend; I just always immediately think of their families and bandmates. Going through something like suicide is a long road.
“Chris was such a beautiful guy, man”, Grohl continued. “He was the sweetest person He was so talented and so much to offer that it was a real shock to hear that he had gone.”
“Mental health and depression is something that people should really take seriously. There’s a stigma attached to it that’s unfortunate, because just as you take care of yourselves in every other way, I think it’s important that people try to take care of themselves in that way, too. And it ain’t easy. Life is hard.”
Taylor Hawkins also weighed in. “It just goes to show you that it doesn’t matter what’s in your bank account or how many hits are on your YouTube page. All that kind of crap all goes out the window if like Dave said, you’re not feeling right.
“Not to get to hear Chris Cornell make another record again is my selfish version of it”, he adds. “There’s such a bigger hurt beyond my own selfish.”