Hi. I’m Davey Lane, I play guitar in a band called You Am I but I just put out my first solo EP. Got a couple of shows with my new band coming up. Got another EP coming out in January. Lookin forward to putting out a bunch more stuff after that.
What’s your earliest memory of performing and who inspired you to start?
My earliest memory of performing was at a school concert, I woulda been about 13 or 14. It was a medley of Cream’s “Sunshine Of Your Love” and The Beatles’ “Oh! Darling”. Those two, I’ve no fuckin idea why. It was seeing a video of Pete Townshend in his boiler suit prime a few years earlier that inspired me to start.
You recently released your new EP ‘The Good Borne Of Bad Tymes’, on your own label Field Recordings, what inspired you to start your own label and where did the name come from?
I liked the idea of setting up my own little record label coz I can choose who I want to work with me on it, and I’m not forced to surround myself with stereotypical moronic label type people (you know the type right? Throwin’ the company credit card around and trying to talk about music when all they really know about is whoever they’re paid to take an interest in or whoever played at Rod Laver Arena last week). Field Recordings, well I’ve always loved the idea of the field recording, Alan Lomax styles, travelling to far-flung places with a portable reel-to-reel and documenting all kinds of folk music. I couldn’t believe someone hadn’t already used the name so I snapped it up. I’m not quite making my records on a reel-to-reel on the muddy banks of the Katherine, but there’s an element of DIY to what I do so it fits somewhat.
M-Phazes remixed your single ‘You’re The Cops. I’m The Crime’, how did that come about?
People think I sit in my room and dissect Faces and Big Star albums but I do like other genres. Hip-hop, particularly in a production sense, fascinates me and he’s probably at the forefront of it in this country. I’ve always loved the stuff he’s produced and was just stoked that he was up for it when I sent him the track. I really loved what he did with it, really turned it on its head.
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The first show of your tour was at Bigsound, is that the first time you’ve played Bigsound and how was it for you?
The show was good (for the first time my band and I have ever gotten on stage). I dunno, I tend to avoid the “industry” kinda stuff, but it was nice to catch up with a few old friends I haven’t seen in ages.
Are you travelling with a full band for this tour?
Yes. Brett Wolfenden, we played together years ago in the Pictures, is on the drumkit, James Fleming (of Eagle And The Worm) is all over the keyboard, and Zac Crozier, (an enthusiastic young fella and a hell of a player) is on the bass.
What has been the biggest highlight of your musical career so far?
Depends in what capacity really. As part of You Am I, I reckon our last record. On my own, well all I’ve done so far is really a whole bunch of recording. Supporting Todd Rundgren a few months back was pretty cool, dude’s a hero of mine. I guess this year has been a highlight for me as I’ve gotten quite a bit of music down.
If you could curate your own festival, where would it be, who would be on the bill, how many people would you let in and what features would it have?
I live near the Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne, and there’s something pretty magical and spooky about that joint, so I reckon there. I’d get Billy Childish, Spoon, Comets On Fire, Graham Coxon, Redd Kross, The Jim Jones Revue, and now the ‘Mats are back together I’d have them headline. Can I throw a million dollars at Rockpile and Supergrass to reform too? I’d have David Cross, Bob Odenkirk and Tim & Eric in the comedy tent. And I’d get Heston Blumenthal to whip up something fuckin’ crazy in the food department. Shit, now how much is all this gonna cost me? Can that lippy Soundwave fella bankroll it for me?
If you could work with any producer in the world who would you most like to collaborate with?
Two of my all time favourite artists are (or were) also producers, Todd Rundgren and Nick Lowe, but dunno if I’d wanna work with either today. Dave Sardy makes incredible sounding records but I hear he’s a bit, erm, difficult. I wanna make a record with Liam Watson at Toerag in London one day. I just LOVE the sound of everything that comes out of there.
What is your band’s music the best soundtrack for?
Well, it ain’t really party music, it ain’t dance music, it ain’t strictly rock ‘n roll, it ain’t a stoner’s cup of tea I’d think. I can’t imagine rooting to it would be a particularly satisfying experience. Too many uncomfortable chord changes. I dunno, that kinda rules out most recreation doesn’t it? Buggered if I know.
What’s next for Davey Lane? When should we expect to hear a full length album?
Maybe next year I’ll compile the best of the two EP’s plus some new tracks as a full length LP….but maybe I’ll just keep releasing EP’s. Who says you have to release a full-lenth album these days anyway? I’ve got a ridiculously short attention span so EP’s are working for me at the moment. Plus you can get more music out that way.
Davey Lane Tour Dates:
Friday September 27 – NEWCASTLE, Great Northern
Saturday September 28 – SYDNEY, Spectrum
Thursday October 3 – BALLARAT, Karova Lounge
Friday October 4 – ADELAIDE, Jive
Saturday October 5 – MELBOURNE, The Tote
Watch You’re The Cops. I’m The Crime here