A Day On The Green, the beloved concert series staged in scenic wineries around Australia, is celebrating booking its 400th event. ADOTG will celebrate its 400th ever confer on Saturday, 19th November with two simultaneous productions.
In Bimbadgen, Hunter Valley NSW, Rodriguez, Xavier Rudd, Russell Morris, and Archie Roach will perform, as Peter Lehmann Wines in the Barossa Valley SA will host You Am I, Something For Kate, Spiderbait, Jebediah, and the Meanies.
“We have some of the best people in their respective fields working with us and so it’s been a huge team effort,” ADOTG promoter Michael Newton said. “The truth is that after 16 years we still feel as passionate about our event as when we first started.”
“The idea of getting together with some friends to enjoy good food and wine with great music in a picturesque location is as appealing now as ever. We continue to want a day on the green to be a great, fun experience for everyone – the bands, the crews, the audience.”
“And that’s what we do, weekend after weekend every summer. We still love it.” It’s not just the organisers who still love putting on some of Australia’s most acclaimed concerts, the performers themselves have always had glowing reviews.
“I’ve played many A Day On The Green concerts over the years both with my band and with Cold Chisel and we’ve always had an absolute blast,” said Jimmy Barnes. “It’s a fantastic way to enjoy music, sitting back with your friends in a great location.”
“A Day On The Green’s support of Australian music should be commended because the lineups are always first-class. These guys know how to do it properly. There’s always a good feeling across the whole day which makes it a pleasure to play.”