Today, Deftones unleash their highly-anticipated, very excellent ninth studio album, Ohms. Frontman Chino Moreno recently sat down with Vulture to discuss the latest record. During the discussion, the interviewer brought up the stigma that surrounds nu-metal as a genre, asking the Deftones frontman how he feels about people that look down on the era.
“I think they probably always did look down [on nu-metal],” the Deftones frontman mused. “They always felt guilty about listening to certain things. I don’t think it’s us so much but definitely Limp Bizkit and shit like that.
“I think motherfuckers were embarrassed for that shit back then, too. You can’t deny it. It’s fucking stupidly good, some of it, but they knew back then that it was stupid. I mean, listen to the words. It’s stupid. So it’s not like in retrospect they’re like, ‘I can’t believe I listened to that.’ It’s like, ‘No, when you listened to it then, you knew it was dumb, but you liked it.’ And that’s okay. No one should be embarrassed by shit they like that’s dumb.”
“Just like what you like. Who cares? Don’t try to be holier than thou. If you liked it then, don’t be embarrassed, because it wasn’t any smarter back then. It’s the same music it was 20 years ago. And you know what? It’s catchy. I get it. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
If that was to pro-nu for your liking, check out our article on how a 2001 nu-metal ballad ruined my life.
In other news unrelated to nu-metal, Deftones recently launched a beer celebrating the 20th anniversary of White Pony.
The band have been working with Belching Beaver to create an ale that will have the original artwork from the album on the can. The beer will have “an upfront flavour of pineapple but finishes with a soft grapefruit note with mild bitterness and medium mouthfeel.”
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